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(Dress Shopping) *************

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(Dress Shopping)

"Topper beat the shit out of me and you are seriously talking about homecoming right now." John B mumbled as he looked up at Sarah.

John B had an icepack over his bruised eye while JJs legs were rested on John Bs lap. JJs head was on Diana's lap as she gently ran her hand through his hair.

"You could not pay me to go to homecoming." Diana muttered as she internally groaned at the thought of a school function.

"John B... it will be fun... it will be great to finally do normal teenage things... and you are all going! I don't care if I have to drag you in body bags!" Sarah tells them all sharply.

"I think I'm scheduled to have pneumonia the night of the dance actually." JJ says sarcastically causing Diana to gently nudge him in the head.

JJ couldn't get the kiss with Diana out of his mind. They hadn't had time alone to talk about it but he didn't even know what he wanted to say to her. How could he tell her that he cared about her more than anyone else and that the kiss meant everything to him. He didn't catch feelings for girls this easily and he hated how hard he was fighting to push the feelings aside.

"We are all going... and that's final." Sarah says dramatically.

"Can I wear a trash bag to the dance?" Diana asks Sarah playfully.

"Thank you for reminding me Diana... me, you and Kie should all go dress shopping tomorrow." Sarah says in an excited tone.

Diana groans causing JJ to laugh as he reached up for her face. His hand patted her cheek before she quickly swatted his hand away.

"JJ wants to come dress shopping too." Diana says in a taunting tone.

"No I don't." JJ replies sharply as he sits up.

His face was inches away from Diana's face as he gave her a confused look.

"Last time I checked.. you lost a bet... which means you have to suffer with me and go dress shopping." Diana says as she gets even closer to his face.

JJ smirks as he slowly places his hand on her cheek.

"If you get this fucking close to me I'm going to want to make out with you." JJ says flirtatiously as he closes his eyes and leans in.

Diana turns her face away from him so JJs lips are met by her cheek. He sighs as he shakes his head and pulls away from her.

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