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(The Child Who Can't Dress Himself) *************

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(The Child Who Can't Dress Himself)

"You can't go to the dance in your boxers." John B teases JJ as he looks over at the other boy.

JJ was smoking as he was standing shirtless in nothing but his boxers.

"Dances are for pusseys." JJ mutters as he gestures towards John B.

John B was decked out in a nice suit as he adjusted his tie in the mirror.

"And you're going to a dance because you're a fucking simp for Diana." John B teases JJ.

"Can't I just show up naked." JJ says sarcastically.

"I'm sure most of the girls in our grade would enjoy that." John B replies playfully.

"It's not like they would be seeing anything they haven't seen before." Pope mutters as he walks into the room.

He was already dressed in his suit and tie and he was ready to go.

"Dude....why aren't you dressed we have to go in like ten minutes." Pope yells frantically at JJ.

"Ugh..." JJ groans as he plops down onto John Bs bed.

"Just think about how hot Diana's gonna look and how you are basically going to get to dry hump her for like two hours straight." John B says jokingly.

JJ grins as the thought of Diana leaves a tingly feeling in his stomach.

"I need to get drunk tonight." JJ says in a serious tone.

"When are you not drunk?" John B asks him sarcastically.

JJ laughs as the sound of the door opening caused all three of the boys to turn their attention to the girl walking in.

"Are you guys clothed?" Diana asks them curiously as she had a hand covering her eyes.

"You asked that after you walked in... kinda defeats the whole purpose." Pope tells her sharply.

"I'm butt ass naked.. I know you wanna take a peek." JJ says flirtatiously.

Diana feels her face get hot as she slowly removes her hand from her face. JJ felt his breath get knocked out of him as he took in Diana's appearance. Her hair was down and very curly and she was wearing the skin tight dress that showed off all of her curves. She looked insanely stunning and JJ couldn't take his eyes off of her. He had never seen her so put together. Diana felt awkward as all three of them stared at her. The sound of JJ falling off the bed caused Diana to start laughing.

"Why aren't you dressed?" Diana asks him sharply.

JJ frantically got up as his head was pounding. He had never seen Diana so dressed up with her hair and her makeup all done and he was speechless. Diana's eyes landed on JJs toned chest as he looked like he was struggling to speak. His hair was all ruffled and messy from his tumble off the bed and Diana admired how cute he looked.

"Speak with words." Diana says sharply.

"You look... you look hot as fuck." JJ says in a serious tone.

Pope smacks JJs arm.

"Try again." Pope whispers sharply.

"I mean you look... really beautiful... like stunning... like wow." JJ says breathlessly.

"Thank you... now get dressed before I kill you." Diana warns him before she walks out of the room.

The sound of her heels leaving made JJ's body almost fall onto the ground. He wanted her so badly and he was obsessed with how beautiful she was.

"Dude! You're drooling on my arm!" Pope complained as he pushed JJ away from him.

JJ laughed as he slowly started to put his suit on. John B and Pope both left the room to go check on their dates leaving JJ all alone. JJ pulled his pants on as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Are you coming?" Diana asks him frantically as she walks into the room.

Her heart stops as her eyes land on JJ. He still didn't have his shirt on as he turned to look at her.

"I'm not ready yet." JJ says as he has a guilty look on his face.

Diana laughs as she quickly walks over to him.

"Well hurry up." Diana tells him sharply.

JJ pulls his shirt on as he can feel Diana's eyes on him. He could see her eyes scanning his chest causing a smirk to form on his face.

"You like what you..." JJ begins to say flirtatiously but Diana interrupts him by starting to button his shirt for him.

JJ can feel her hands brush against his bare chest as she quickly buttons up his shirt. He stared at her as he felt her hands on his skin and he couldn't deny the desire he felt for her. JJ grabbed her wrist causing her to intake a deep breath as she stopped buttoning up his shirt.

"Let's just skip the dance." JJ says in a low tone.

Diana turns to look up at him as he stared down at her. His hand was still tightly gripping her wrist as he stared at her like he wanted her more than anything else in that moment. His eyes flickered down to her lips as he wanted nothing more than to kiss her.

"We aren't skipping the dance... now get your shoes on." Diana says sharply as she pulls her hand away from him.

JJ groaned as he sat down on the bed. Diana bent over to hand him his shoes causing JJs eyes to scan up and down her body. He could feel himself getting harder and harder at the sight of her. Diana handed him her shoes as he stared at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"You look like you've seen a ghost... now get your shoes on and let's go." Diana tells him sharply as she walks out of the room.

JJ sighs as he puts his shoes on and walks into the kitchen. He immediately goes into the pantry and grabs a bottle of vodka.

"JJ.... Seriously?" She asks him sharply as she grabs it out of his hands.

She grabs his arm and drags him out of the house.

"You seriously think you can make it through the dance sober?" JJ asks her playfully.

"I never said anything about being sober." Diana replies playfully.

She winks at him before unscrewing the cap off of the vodka and pouring it into her mouth. JJ watched as he couldn't believe how hot she was. She puts the bottle down as she takes a deep breath.

"Let's do this thing." Diana says as she hands him back the bottle.

She gets into the car leaving JJ speechless.

JJ is so hot 😩

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