Wing and Meruem pt.1

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I'M ALIVE MUTHAFOCKERS——guess who's a junior in high school and stressing out about failing🧍🏻‍♀️

Shout out to @KilluGonsMom for blowing up my notifications. Managed to get this done in one day because of them commenting, reminding me that I had this story.

Enjoy childern

First meeting


You puffed out your cheeks as You lean against the ropes of the ring.

"COME ON! YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT KICKING MY ASS SINCE I'M A GIRL BUT YOU'RE THE ONE ON THE GROUND!" You shouted at the male who was on his knees with blood dripping down his nose and a few bruised ribs.

He was talking a lot of bullshit about how there shouldn't be any females at the gym and he can take them all down with a flick of his finger.

He made your blood boil. The man stared up at you with a scowl.

"You stupid bitch!" He suddenly lunged at you while screaming. You tilted your head up and smirked. "What a cheeky bastard."

In a swift movement, you appeared in from of him. You kneed him in the abdomen and threw him out of the ring. "You're pathetic." Taking in a deep breath you activated Gyo.

"You're even using your nen ability." Soon time slowed down and the man was stuck in place. Once again you appeared in front of him and picked him up.

"I don't ever want to see you in my gym ever again." You whispered but to him, it was as if your voice echoed in his head and screamed. You threw him outside but he was still trapped in your nen.

Time sped up and everyone continued as if that guy never existed.

"That was very impressive." Turning in the direction of the voice there stood a scrawny guy wearing a pink shirt that was half untucked.

"Thanks?" With that, you walked away and went back to the punching bag where your nephew was waiting.

"You showed him who was boss auntie!" Zushi shouted excitedly. "Mhm, he was an idiot who looked down on females." Zushi smiled at you.

"So when does your teacher get here?"

"I'm already here." Turing around it the same dude from a few minutes ago. "Oh."

"Sensei!" Zushi bowed towards the man. You eyed him wondering if he was strong but you knew better than to judge his appearance.

"I am Wing, Zushi's new instructor, you are?" He introduced himself while repositioning his glasses.

"I'm Zushi's auntie, Y/n."


You were born as a chimera ant being made as one of the four royal guards for the soon-to-be king. You are a butterfly but mainly maintaining a human figure.

Light blue wings with purple streaks running through them, antennas matching your h/c hair, and a pink tint to your skin.

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