Finding out you're pregnant

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- Your mother pointed it out
- She's been pregnant four times before so she would know
- You immediately freaked out because you knew twins were common in your family
- "Ah shit." You mumbled to yourself, the thought resonating.
- When you went back home and Killua was on the couch
- "Welcome back home babe."
- "Leaving again."
- Immediately walked back out the house in sheer panic
- came back home the next day
- "Y/ okay?" Killua asked concerned
- "No—Well yes but like—"
- You let out a shaky sigh, "I'm pregnant."
- His eyes widen as his cat-like smile appeared
- "Really?"
- Welp he was extremely happy


- Gon had a suspicion that you had the flu so he went to aunt Mito
- He described the symptoms and his great grandmother chuckled as she overheard the conversation
- "It looks like I'm going to be a great great grandmother."
- "what?" Gon was utterly confused about what she meant.
- "God I'm too young to be a great aunt." Mito mumbled as she sat down
- Grandma Freeces explained everything and Gon eyes widen
- "I'm—I'm going to be a dad!?"
- That day he vowed to never leave his child like his dad left him
- idk he might pull a Ging if he wants his kid to have adventure
- Ran back home and told you


- Kurapika found out before you did
- He could see the signs and was glad he got you to stop drinking and smoking years before
- What he didn't know was how to tell you that you were pregnant
- You assumed you were tired from dealing with the kids and working at the bar
- Kurapika thought of all the possible ways to tell you but all of them ended with you freaking out and stressing even more
- not only that, Itsuki found out from Kurapika
- That set alarms off in his head and made him worry about you throwing him and the others away
- Of course, you would never do that though
- "Y/n! You're pregnant!?"
- Those three words from Itsuki sent you into orbit—Kurapika was also in the room with you
- Needless to say, you ended up stressing out anyway


- You're both doctors
- Apparently stupid doctors because the two of you didn't figure it out until you were a month and a half along
- You went to your doctor which was Tsunade who works with women mostly
- "Y/n....How long have you been a doctor?"
- "Six or seven years——why?"
- "You're pregnant, dumbass."
- "Well that explains the sickness and weird food cravings."
- Leorio fainted. Luckily he fainted in a hospital
- When he came back to he started to ramble about being the perfect dad
- Immediately brought baby toys regardless of the gender


- You'll weren't expecting it
-Yes, you were happy but you didn't know how to deal with it
- "Congratulations, you'll have half clown children
- "Chi shut the fuck up or else."
- Never seen Chi shut up so fast before
- Hisoka knew something was wrong with you but he wasn't sure what until he tried to serve you herbal tea
- You figured it was the best time to fuck with him
- "Are you trying to kill it?"
- "Kill what?" He asked while putting the teapot on the stove
- "The child inside me." You bluntly replied
- Hisoka turned white and you could see the life leave his eyes


- Neither of you knew until you were halfway into your second trimester when you started showing
- "Oh," you both said nonchalantly
- Illumi instantly restricted you from missions or just anything dangerous
- You for once agreed, not wanting to harm the child
- He would often make remarks about you but not to be mean—-It was more out of excitement in his own way
- "The bump got bigger."
- "Don't you think that's a lot of food?"
- "I don't think it fits you anymore."
- Needless to say, he slept on the couch for the rest of the pregnancy

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