Senior widsom

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I'm currently working on a chapter called "Flirting with a married person" and by working on it I mean, I barely started. I probably only finished Killua and started a little on Gon.

Starting August 29th I'll officially be a senior in high school. During my three years in middle and high school, I learned to not care what people thought of me. I was so afraid about fitting in and was a follower because I was scared to be alone. In 8th grade, I was in a four-girl cliche and it wasn't horrible but it had its downs.

The girl that lead the cliche was toxic and bratty in my opinion but she was my friend. We would walk home together, walking buddies. I looked up to her because she always speak her mind and never backed down. I ignored the toxicity because it was never towards me or to someone in the cliche.

I started to realize how toxic she was when she told our friend to go hang out with another girl. For reference, the leader is going to be addressed as May and the boy June. May and June were dating but May wasn't really into the relationship. June was best friends with another girl but they were only friends and that's it. May was jealous I supposed and didn't like it. That's when I noticed the toxicity. Then an argument of cheating came up saying it's different when a girl hangs out/cheats vs when a boy does it.


I believe boys and girls can be friends with each other. Just know the boundaries between them. If your partner has worries, talk it out. Yes, it might not work but communication is important.

After 8th grade, I fell out with two girls from the cliche. I'm still friends with one girl and June. I think I'm stuck with them for life now but it's fine.

6-11th grade me has been antisocial and kept my friend circle small. By small I mean, 6 friends. One from 4th grade, one from 5th grade, one from 7th grade, two from 9th grade, and one from my best friend from 4th grade.

What I'm trying to say is that it's okay to have a small friend circle. I don't mind only having 6 friends, it's okay because I'm comfortable around them. I can't stand being outside my comfort zone. As I'm entering 12th grade, I won't be going out of my way to make friends. I'll just let it happen naturally.

From my perspective, I think I grew up pretty well although I had obstacles in my life. My mom passed away in 8th grade right after we celebrated me getting into the top high school in Detroit. My life fell apart that day. Having to step up in the role of being a big sister to take care of my little brother. There was constant pressure from my dad about my grades and the constant yelling whenever I got lower than an A.

The pressure of my grandma saying I need to get into a good college with a scholarship ship. The pressure from school and worrying about failing. Wondering if music is the right career path for me. Going through a literal identity crisis but in the end, it's shaping me to be a different version of myself. Is it a better version? I'm not sure yet but I'll figure it out down the road. From my goth/emo attire to now a brown/creme preppy aesthetic.

It's okay to second guess yourself from time to time but you should never be discouraged when you're doing something you love.

Here's some more wisdom, don't change yourself for people. That was a reason for the identity crisis. Only change if you want to, not to please other people because in the end they still won't be please. You're beautiful. It doesn't matter what other people think, you're beautiful. You might not see it now but you will one day.

I'm not the best social person out there and I'm extremely awkward at times but if you're ever feeling down and need to talk, my messages are usually open and I'll see the notification. No, seriously I get notifications from Wattpad every day.

This is just some senior and own experience wisdom and I hope it helps. I don't know the age range of everyone reading this book but it might apply to most or at least some.

I don't know when the next chapter will be out, maybe at the end of next week if I can stop being lazy but it's still summer. So don't count on it. But it will be out in 2 weeks, maybe because I'm working on books that are in my draft. I like to make sure every book has 10 chapters before I publish them so people can get into the flow of the book.

Thank you for reading this far! I don't expect many to but I'm grateful for those who did.

Dying my hair again can't decide between my signature pink and blue or should I go ginger with white streaks? My yearbook photos are on the 27th of August so I gotta decide before then.

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