Habits they love about you

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You have this habit of always stuttering whenever you say a big word or a word you don't know. Sometimes Killua would get you to say something on purpose just to hear it.

"Say serendipitous!" You glared at Killua before sighing.

"Ser-s-seren-s-....s...I quit." He chuckled before giving you a small hug. "Bad kitty."


When you're nervous you always play with your fingers like twirling them together. Gon find this absolutely adorable.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

(Okay autocorrected to Oklahoma)

"Yes...." You stared down towards the ground while twirling your fingers. Gon grabbed one of your hands and kissed your cheek. "You're so cute when you do that, Y/n-Chan!"

You're a tomato now, congratulations 🎉


He loves when you randomly starts singing and how you make sure it's kid friendly whenever you're by the babies.🥺

Kurapika has no idea when it started but he just loves it.







Kurapika and Lucas watching from the corner in the room as you, Itsuki, Kira, Aria sang your hearts out."


He finds it hilarious how you can memorize lines from musicals. Sometimes you would say a line out loud and he tries to guess which musical it's from.

"Veronica, open the, open the, open the door please! Veronica open the door!" Leorio stared at you as you continued to shop for groceries.

'How the hell does she do that?'

"Don't make me come in there! I'm going to count to three! One, two, fuck it!" You quietly mumbled while picking up a bag of potatoes.

"Heathers!" You jumped before staring at Leorio. "Yeah, now go get the fucking bread before I whoop your fucking ass."

Never seen him run that fast.


Hisoka...he...uh. He likes when you subconsciously bites your lips. You try not to do it when you're around him but you can't help it.

He gets turned on.

"OoOoOoOoh Y/nnnn!" He moaned making you and Chi leave the room as quick as possible. "What was that!?"

"Did I bite my lip?" You asked the moment you locked your car door. "Uh, I think so—-DRIVE!"


Illumi loves how you check up on Lucian🥺 Older sister worthy.

He understands the responsibility of being a older sibling. Whenever Lucian calls or texts you about something urgent, you're gone.


He would do the same exact thing if Killua ever called or texted...but we know that will never happen.

"I have to go, Lucian just said his hideout is on fire and he can't put it out!"

"Don't run in the fire."



He can't help but chuckled when you howl at a full moon with the other wolves. I mean being raised by them, you would of course pick up on a few traits.

One is howling whenever there's a full moon. Chrollo finds it to be so adorable but funny at the same time.

*Wolves howling plus you*

Chrollo chuckled slightly while putting a blanket around your shoulder. It was night and freezing since winter was slowly coming. The pack also decided to have the howling session on a cliff.

"Let's go back to your cottage." He suggested. You nodded with a small smile. "It's over now anyway."


Sharkie finds it so adorable when you stick your tongue out while drawing. That's how hard you're concentrating and you don't even realizes it.

He also take a few pictures because he can't resist.

"Tikki look how cute she looks!" He gushed on your bed while you sat at your desk. You completely tuned him out and wasn't aware of what he was doing.

In the end he got 50 pictures of you.


He likes when you puff out your cheeks when he makes you mad. Feitan always do it on purpose just to see you do it.

"Y/n...you're loud."He smiled as you puffed your cheeks out. You couldn't tell Feitan was but that didn't matter. "Yeah well you're short!"

"Nice one Y/n." Shalnark said with a chuckle. Feitan silently laughed while grabbing your hand. "Sorry..."

"Heh, you're making it up to me."


You have this weird habit of twirling what's ever in your hand. It can range from a pencil to a hammer, it doesn't matter. Pokkle finds it cute unless you have something that can take his head off.

"You're doing it again."

"What?" Pokkle stared at you as you twirled the pen. "You're twirling." You stared down at your hand before shrugging your shoulders. "Okay."



You have a tendency to always smile when you're looking in the mirror or just passing by one. Kite finds it weird but he likes it.

You only got it because you use to practice your smile because everyone always say you have a resting bitch face. Like no, it's just how you look, the fuck.

"Pretty...Your smile," Kite mumbled softly as the two of you stood in front of a mirror. "Thanks hubby."

A/n: 🥺🥺I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. If not it'll get better🥺

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