Habits you can't stand about them

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He has issues saying 'I love you.'


Bro what???

Sometimes in private he still can't say it. It's bad enough in front of other people but really? By yourselves and Killua still can't say.

"Kitty! Guess what." Killua stared at you with his eyebrow raised. "What...?"

"I...Love you, ACCEPT MY AFFECTION!" You grabbed him by the waist as he blushed and turned away. "You too." He mumbled under his breath.

"No, say the words."

"I...I...Baka." Killua said before getting out of your grip and walking upstairs.


You don't understand how one person can be so dense. You love Gon but sometimes him being so dense hurts.

"You're so strong! So cute as well." Compliment after compliment was being thrown at Gon by this one girl. You would've been twirling your fingers for being so nervous if you didn't know how dense Gon was.

You got up and nervously grabbed Gon's hand. "Baby, let's go." Gon stared at you before smiling brightly. "Okay cupcake!" The two of you walked away.

"You know she was flirting with you right...?"

"No, she wasn't! She was complimenting me Y/n-chan!"


When this bastard forgets to turn the light off after reading. Kurapika reads before going to be every night. You don't mind.

You just want to turn the fucking light off when he's done. But he fucking don't.

"Turn the lamp off." You grumbled halfway asleep. "I'm still reading."

You opened your eyes and stared at Kurapika. "If I wake up and the light is still on, you're sleeping on the couch."

"It won't be on Y/n."

He slept on the couch for the rest of the week.


Leorio doesn't know how to put the dam toilet seat down. C'mon man, you're grown. And it's just gross.

"Remember to put the toilet seat down!" You yelled while sitting on the couch. Leorio turned around to look at you but at he see was a sideways glance.

"I will stop complaining." He replied before going into the bathroom. 'I swear...'

After he came out the two of you continued to watch your movie. Soon night came and you went to go use the bathroom.

You stared at the toilet while your anger boiled. "LEORIO!!!!"


Always chasing after Gon. 😒 we get it damn, you're attracted to you boys.

"Stop staring at him."

"But he's soooo ripeeees~~~" you sighed before returning to your book. At this point in life, you gave up on trying to rehabilitate Hisoka.

"Ohhhhh Gonnnnnn~"

"He's not my problem." You mumbled.


You love everything about this man. He's perfect—— Okay he's Semi-perfect but he's still perfect.


"Yes, Y/n."

"I can't open this jar, can you open it for me?" Illumi stared at you before staring back at the jar. You smiled as he grabbed the jar and twisted the lid off.

"Thank you!" You pulled him down and kissed his cheek.


Damn, he's perfect as well. Nah just kidding, Chrollo doesn't understand when you're not in the mood to be bothered with his bullshit. Other than that he's perfect.

"So I was thinking..." Chrollo wrapped his arms around you with a small smile. "We can stay in tonight and..."

"No." He chuckled while nuzzling into your shoulder. "You didn't let me finish."

"Don't care get off me not in the mood." You rolled away and tried going to sleep.




'I'm going to commit murder.'


Man nothing that he does can ever piss you off. He's adorable, he's sweet. Oh god, do I go as far as saying perfect? Yes, yes I do.

"I brought your favorite movie!" Shalnark said the moment he stepped through the door. "I love you."

"I love you too cotton candy!"



Every—— Forgetting dates. It's not often but probably once or twice a month. You guys are not busy. You also try not to make a big deal out of it.

But murder is looking kind of good right now.

"Feitan! Are you ready for today?" You asked with a big smile while jumping on the smaller person. Feitan stared at you before going back to do whatever he was doing.

"We don't have anything planned today." He mumbled in very broken language. Angry moves through your veins as you tried to remain calm.

"Yes, we do."

"No, we don't." He shot back rather quickly. "I'm busy..."

'Asshole, just wait when you get caught off guard.' Smiling mischievously you got off him and walked away.


Picking fights with Hoshi. Sometimes he would pick them with Shiyo. You don't know when this happened b got just did.

"You fucking dumbass!" Hoshi yelled.

"Damn at least I'm in a relationship! You can't get no one to even look at you!" Shiyo snorted as you tried to cover up a laugh. You might not like it but it's always funny.

"With my little sister!"

"Still in a relationship!"

"How long have they been at this?" You asked. "45 minutes."


Such another fine specimen. He's amazing. Until it's night time and he starts to speak in his sleep. Do you see where I'm going with this?

"Ngh,  fucking pink faires everywhere." You groaned while listening to your boyfriend speak in his sleep. 'I just want one peaceful night.'

"Shut up, no you, nahhhh."

'Don't kill him Y/n.' You glared over at Kite as he seems to enjoy what he was dreaming about. "I hate you but I love you."

I have like 5 draft chapters right now and I'm just lazy asf. Until I can publish one of them. Enjoy these nice fillers.

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