Bromance (BoyxBoy)

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I Know, Need to finish other stories first but seriously! This story has been in my head since Chistmas! So I'm writing it and will continue to update other stories as well. BLame My Brain Not Me. Of Course Boy x Boy and Guys... How shocking this might sound but...

I'm Going to try and make this story less sexual than my others lol. I Just feel like i need more emption in my stories than the sex lol. I mean shift me needed the sexual scenes because of his tail showing he was in heat...okay you get it.. 


First Chapter.

Picture is of Dallas By the way.


"Stalin get up." I whined as he laid lifeless in his bed, clearly stripped down in nothing but his boxers as he laid over the blankets. I huffed as I held my breath. His room was so filthy, even for a roach it was too dirty. Clothes everywhere, hanging on his dresser, doors, and bed. You could barely see the floor due to the clothes and trash claiming territory. It smelled like pizza in here, which was obviously weird. I stepped over a mountain of mess, swimming through some to make it over to his bed where I clearly stumbled over something falling.

"What are you doing Jay?" Stalin asked sitting up from my soft thud thanks to his filthy clothes.

"We're going to be late," I stated dusting myself off after standing. It was the starting of High School, the first day ever. Of course I wasn't excited about it but let's face it, our parents hated when we missed school, the only reason I made honor roll was for being at school all 270 days.

"Ohh..." he mumbled standing as he searched around his room grabbing some clothes off the floor and going into the restroom. Well, that's the fastest I've seen him move.

I climbed out the room going down the stairs where my dad was flipping pancakes and omelets. Now let me inform you on something here. My dad was the main cook of the family, that's the reason my mom married him, or so she said. Mom only cooked when dad was sick or on special occasions, such as when ever she was hungry that instant.. and didn't give us any.

"Morning Jaylin." Dad greeted not even turning to look at me. He liked making his food perfect.

"Morning Dad."

"So what are today's objectives?" He asked putting some food on a plate as I sat down at the bar adjusting my stool. He slide the plate over to me as I grabbed the syrup.

"Uhh get to school alive, hope the school lunch doesn't suck, and try to not get snatch on my way home by some pedophile." I stated stuffing a fork of pancakes in my mouth.

"Seriously Jaylin, make some new friends." he said eyeing me down as I ate.

"What's wrong with the ones I have?" I tilted my head asking with a mouth full of food.

"They're weird. Especially Lair."

"Awe, Lair's funny. It's who he is."

Dad sighed as he shrugged going back to the stove as he fixed Stalin's plate and moms. "Morning dad, bye dad." Stalin said grabbing a pancake and putting the omelet on top of it as he folded it like a sandwich and grabbed my arm. "Come on."

"St-Stalin!!" I yelled with pancake pieces coming out. My dad sighed as my mom yelled good bye from the living room.

"Come on Jay." Stalin put his arm around me as we walked to his car. He had a devil red charger that was the only thing he kept clean and nice. "First day is always important Freshman." He teased as I narrowed my eyes. Stalin was tall, at least 6'2 and I, ranked in the house the shortest of the family, 5'8.

Bromance (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now