Chapter 23: I'm Not Perfect.

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Finally got to finish this! I ended up having to show how Lair ish goes earlier than planned but oh well, enjoy this short chapter!!


*Lair's POV*

I could hear Jaylin's giggling coming from the kitchen, Dallas whispering shit to him as they goofed around. I tried to keep from looking, knowing I was already Jealous when they first started dating, but I couldn't. My eyes trailed to the kitchen Seeing Jaylin fall to the floor and Dallas coming down upon him but caught himself. They exchanged a few words with contagious laughter to each other before staring into each others eyes in silence. Dallas gave him a small kiss before pulling up the beaten with red face Jaylin.

Dylan chuckled as I had forgotten he was here. Quickly I glanced at him who was sitting on the sofa waiting for me. "Instead of watching them out of jealousy, we can leave so this whole thing from Denny's doesn't start back over."

I shot a glare at him, upset he was my ride and upset I knew he was right. I sighed, "give me a second." I hissed so he didn't leave me and grabbed a small box of the table before I ran upstairs.

Stalin's room door was open, him laying on his bed staring at the tv in boredom. Constantly, his thumb pressed at the channel button as he tried to find a show. When his hazel eyes danced upon me then back to the tv without a care, I frowned.

"Hey..." I smiled slightly going over to him. I knew he wasn't pleased to see me, or feel my presence, and hear my voice. His eyes at the dinner table told me that much. But, he'd made the first pass at me, knowing I was in love with him. He did it not me! So why is everything all broken like this now?

He just continued to stare at the tv.

"I've been meaning to give this too you but..." I mumbled placing the wrapped box on his bed. It wasn't that I forgot, it was that it scared me in what he'll do or act towards me.

Silently, he glanced at the small box, "But what?" He asked shaking it. "You're boyfriend downstairs stopped you?"

What? I stared confused, Dylan? Was he jealous there was another guy? If so, maybe if he would have just been here, acting like my boyfriend there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.

"That's not my boyfriend.." I mumbled out of anger and sadness.

"Hm, sure seemed that way." He peeled the wrapping back, removing the top and stared into the box. It was a new edition on that Black Diamond Watch Stalin kept talking to his friends about. It was actually pretty pricey, way beyond my range but since I was arguing with this guy on eBay, I was able to get it for a bit over $400.

Stalin stared at the watch in silence, his face remained the same from when I walked it. Nervously, I played with my fingers waiting for some kind of response from him. A smile, a nod, a small sigh, anything. It was a while in the silence until Stalin shut his eyes shaking his head and put the top back on the box. "W-what? You don't like it?" I asked confused as he stared into my eyes handing the box back to me. Sadly, I took it back with a frown.

"How much did you spend on that?"

"...Alot." I coughed.

"How much?" He asked upset. He's become so confusing lately!


"Lair, I don't need you to buy me expensive things." He stated bluntly.

"Well, then what do you want from me? You know I like you but you blow me off like its nothing. Then the next day you're willing to come and talk to me and we're making out, then its back to square one and you're ignoring me!!" I hadn't realized how loud I've gotten, or the tears stinging my eyes that were ready to fall with and small push needed. "I'm really trying here, I've liked you since middle school and I knew it was a hell of a chance but then you told me you liked me!"

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