Chapter 7: No Excuses Kiss Ass

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Finally Got Into the mood to type non-stop on this Story! Make sure to Read my others when you get a chance! Will be updating as Soon as I can!! 

Picture Of Isly!


I know, I need to go back a chapter and add a picture there!! XD


"Dallas..." I yawned as I climbed into the back of the car. God Damn him, spawn huh? Since he wanted to show his classic action movie, that I soon started to get into, we decided to watch the cartoon episodes as well.  And indeed, we stayed up all morning doing so, though we knew school was in the morning.

"Yes??" He yawned leaning the passenger seat back as Lair and Stalin got in the car, totally refreshed with hours a sleep.

"I hate you." I yawned again laying on Lair's lap after he buckled up.

"Pfft, you're welcome."

"Mmhmm." I mumbled dozing off. The nap was quickly over as Lair woke me, informing that we were here. I groaned, getting out and following Lair into the school.

"Why did you stay up?"

"Cause the idiot made me."

Lair nodded, "Yeah, sure." He smirked as I punched him. "Ow.."

I chuckled lowly, following him to where ever my god given hell class was. It was just easier to think that the school day would go by quickly, so I could make it home and sleep my life away.

Well, that's what I would like to happen, but guess what!? Boom, plan crashes and everyone dies, I have fucking soccer practice!! I groaned going to my seat immediately before Stalin would trying and walk me there.

For some weird, idiotic reason people kept greeting me, from red head girls, to blond hair guys. Maybe cause Stalin keeps showing an ass where ever. Or maybe its cause they just wanted to suck up to me to get to him. Either way, they better fuck off today, I'm not in the- Zzz!!!

"Jaylin!" I snapped out of my sleep, sitting up as my teacher glared, "Not even two months into school and you're already sleeping in class?"

I swallowed to get the built up saliva down from my sleep as I looked around, "Well I-"

"Suspected of the Bales." He stated going back to the lesson. What? Huh, what the fuck is that suppose to mean?! I growled, grabbing my jacket and folding it as I laid back do, going right back to fucking sleep, and bitch, I hope I snored loud enough for you too!

By the time of my awakening, I stood, following who ever had the same next class. I yawned, walking like a zombie before getting butty bumped, causing me to slam and fly into a locker. I could hear the snickering around me, getting laughed at as I groaned, trying to push this dead body of mines up.

"Geez! You alright?" Isly giggled helping me up as I just stared at her, wanting to rip that smile off her face. "What's Wong love!?" She laughed hard witnessing me rub my lower back like an old man.

"You.. have a strong ass." I stated with a yawn escaping my lips

"Why thank you-!"

"Jaylin!!!" I flinched at the loud foot steps growing louder as the familiar voice screamed at me. I turned to follow the voice, quickly regretting it as I shut my eyes, my breath leaving me as the attack that just happen knocked it out of me. Stalin tackled me into a hug, pulling me into the air with his horrible deadly grip, squeezing the small life I had, out.

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