Chapter 18: My Brother and My Boyfriend.

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Picture of How I think Stalin eats turkey! 




I sat in my room, unable to go down stairs after our dinner last night. A week had passed since Stalin grounded me, and on top of that, it was Thanksgiving week, leaving me in my room with no laptop, ipad, or anything. Lucky for him, my phone has been acting up since I dropped it in the punch bowl, Dad just said he'll buy me a new one soon. So with that said, for the entire week Stalin left me with only cable and let me out of my cage every now and then. My parents didn't even argue about this when Stalin told them I had lost my virginity in the back seat of their favorite friend that came over. Especially my dad, he had completely stopped talking to me.

I sat in my room thinking to myself. Since homecoming night I hadn't seen or heard from Lair, Stalin refused to let me at least call and talk to him. And Dallas, I had no way of connecting with him either, he was probably going out of town with Jessie since I found out they were cousins and she was visiting Dallas. She mentioned wanting to go visit their people but was interrupted by Lair and his outburst.

Honestly, I couldn't really say how I felt towards Lair at this point. Stalin told me that he knew from Lair which pissed me off. I thought he had my back so why would he snitch to Stalin about Dallas? I was confused, angry, sad, dumbfounded. I needed to see Lair and talk to him even if he probably didn't want to see me.

"Jaylin," my mom called from my door as I scurried to my feet answering it. It was already Friday and thanksgiving was over. Maybe I was free now? "You need to come do the dishes." She stated. I nodded with a slight disappointment and followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen where I started and completed my chores.

The door in the living room opened as I quickly bolted there finding Stalin walk in with a shit ton of grocery bags on his arms. Offering to help, Stalin just pushed passed me, walking into the kitchen putting everything up.

"Stalin, when are you going to talk to me?" I asked tired of the silent treatment. Well it was somewhat silent, only when he gave me a command he spoke.

I groaned taking a seat at the table as I watched Stalin put the groceries away.

"I don't understand if you wanted me to sleep with girls before, why does sleeping with-" I cut myself off already knowing what he was going to say. Because Dallas was his best friend and it was against the code I guess.

After the long moment of silence, Stalin finished putting up the groceries and left back out the doors. Probably going to go find some chick to sex.

I returned back to my room, shutting my door behind me. I wondered how long was he going to hold this grudge? It wasn't like I could undo any of my actions though I purposely did everything behind his back.

"Jay." Someone's voice muffled as I followed the taps that filled my room. Without haste, I rushed to my window pulling it up as I stared into the green orbs of Dallas.

Repeatedly I blinked to figure out if I was hallucinating or not, my cheeks filling with color as I stared. "W-what are you..?"

"Can I come in or what?" He chuckled holding onto the window seal and balancing himself on the tree. I nodded moving away as he climbed in, making his seat the floor. Finally reconnecting our eye contact, he smiled.

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