Chapter 13: I didn't know you were expecting me.

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I was stuck on this chapter for the last 5 paragraphs for the longest lol! I've been a bit brain dead, gotten a fever, backed up on school work, and needed for Rp's. >.< Ugh. Im feeling better but after this I need to go work on It Boy & OutBreak then my One Shot Requests! Enjoy!

------------------------> How I Imagine Lair's hair XD!!


"What do you mean you guys WERE dating!? I'm asking WHEN!!!!" Lair exclaimed jumping around Isly as we followed her to the gym.

Thanks to Stalin, Isly asked us to leave right after that. It was the fact not only had they broken up, but Stalin was the one to ask her out too! I kept following beside them as Isly gave us the scoop.

"I don't know, like a week after me and my ex split up then he asked. We've only been dating like two weeks but Stalin is long gone now." She giggled ruffling Lair's hair.

"Why'd you say yes!?" Lair asked pushing in to get more. Isly just shrugged, her fingers pushing her hair from her cheeks. Lair was trying to bite off more than he could chew by this point. Asking if they had sex, kissed, did anything inappropriate, you know trying to figure out if his dream man was smooth talking his dream girl.

"We kissed once, that was about it." Isly informed after thinking really hard.

"But Stalin's a hoe." I mumbled confused.

"Indeed he is but," she smirked taking a seat at the top of the bleachers. Lair and I sat on the side of her still picking at this. "I have my reasons to date him."

"Like?" I asked now wanting to know. I don't know, I just found it weird. Isly wasn't the stereotypical girl to easily be swept off her feet by a hoe like Stalin. If anything in fact, Stalin should be the one falling for her then getting his pride stomped to the floor as she runs off with some wealthy, well educated, gentleman. That just how I saw Isly.

Her eyes danced around the loud gym for awhile, searching to see if the coast was really clear. When it came to be, she pulled me and Lair into a huddle and whispered. "Stalin kind of wanted to refresh his image before graduation. Obviously he's well known but he's starting to feel more and more of a dick to the person he likes."

"" Lair asked just as confused just I was.

"Pfft, no. We were suppose to 'date' until he could convince himself to actually confess. It was to, at least, keep the girls from him and for me to help keep him in check from those slutty tactics of his."

"So why did you kiss!?!?" Lair pulled his hair frustrated.

"Cause he said something like "I bet you don't know how to kiss" or some stupid shit just to get a free kiss. Oh well." She shrugged.

"Do you know who he likes?" I asked. Her lips stretched across her cheeks cutely with an eager nod.


"WHO!?!?!" Lair gasped grabbing Isly, shaking her by the shoulders begging her to spill the beans.

"I took an oath not to snitch." She giggled wrapping her arms around Lair, pulling him face first into her boobs as I'm sure he died of glory. Like the boy Lair was, he wrapped his arms around Isly and drowned himself.

"Dallas!" Stalin called from the door moving past his friend walking over to Dallas. All of our eyes followed them thinking some sort of horrible events was going to take place. Turning from half way up the bleachers, Dallas glanced at Stalin wanting to know what the matter was. "Yeah?" He asked casually.

"I need the poster for Mrs. Brink's class."

Dallas chuckled slightly. "I don't have it."

"What do you mean you don't have it?" Stalin asked getting a bit more upset than he already appeared.

"I don't." Dallas stated, the smile fading from his lips, Stalin's and Dallas's eyes glaring dully at each other.

"I left you with the poster for a reason." Stalin sneered.

"Indeed." Dallas agreed but shrugged.

"Guys, go sit down." The principal stated after he got close to them. Stalin looked at him and nodded as the crowds by the door died down and separated into the bleachers.

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