Chapter 11: Stalin, stop bullying your brother because he's gay!

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Thank my editor for getting this edited in by the same day I finished typing♥

And Here's the new chapter you chocolate squid doll muffins have been asking for! Hope this tickles your nipples! XD

Pic of how Stalin is XD!!♥



I sat in the chair, tapping my feet on the tile floor repeatedly out of fear. Due to the itchy sting, I scratched around the scrape on my arm. It was still bleeding but I wasn't going to die. I could hear the chattering of adults and students around me. I glanced back behind me, looking through the Principal's office where my parents, Stalin, Dallas, the Principal, and Dallas' mother apparently stood. I frowned as the principal pointed at me to turn around, which I did and looked up at Lair who came back from the water fountain.

"That was crazy huh?" He chuckled, stretching peacefully before taking the seat next to me once again. "I didn't really expect Stalin to attack Dallas like that, I thought he was going after you." He laughed.

"This is all my fault.." I mumbled scratching more.

"Truthfully yes, all of it is. But as a friend talking to you, nope! Ain't nobody tell Stalin to leap!" He snapped his fingers playfully, getting a small laugh out of me.

The door opened again, Stalin walking out first, my parents following behind him. I stood, walking over to the glaring Stalin. "You're lucky they're not pressing charges." Father slapped Stalin upside the head.

Dallas exited the office, followed by his mom and the principal. I glanced at Dallas, looking at him for an apology, but it couldn't be seen as he never once looked my way. Dallas had a bruise on his face where I watched Stalin hit him. His bottom lip was also busted on the side as he kept licking over the blood. Though he looked beat up, Stalin on the other hand had the exact same wounds. Some were on their arms where they scrapped it and beat up their bones trying to kill each other.

"Jaylin," the principal called out to me, my eyes looking up at him. "Are you sure you're fine?" He asked as I nodded my head. All I did was try to break them up and Stalin threw me into the wall, and that's how I scrapped my arm. Lesson learned, Stalin isn't a caring person when he's upset.

I looked up, my eyes searching for Dallas as he and his mother walked to the exit, leaving the school. I sighed turning back as my mother talked to the principal.

"I told you to watch out for your brother, not let him get into messes like you!" Father scolded him.

"Oh, this isn't my fault." Stalin spat.

"Stalin I swear to god if you-!" I growled trying to shut him up, but he pushed me back, ignoring my pleas and told them anyway.


"Snitch!!" I kicked him in his shin making him groan and he growled, then he attacked me.

"Faggot brother!!" He pulled my ear, easily making me scream. Hey, I wasn't a fighter now.

"Hey, hey, hey!!" Both the principal and my father pulled Stalin away from me. "Do we need to have another talk about bullying?"

"HE HIT ME FIRST!!" Stalin yelled pointing an accusing finger at me.

"At least I don't beat up on people just because they're gay!" I quickly ducked behind my mom as Stalin tried to attack me again. Growling as they kept holding him back, he glared motioning his index finger repeatedly to come to him.

"Come here, now I'm about to beat the shit out of your lying ass."

"Stalin, office." The principal snapped as he groaned going in.

I sighed stepping out as I glanced at my parents. They were staring directly at me for some odd reason. "..what?"

"You're gay?" My mother asked concerned. I nodded lightly as my father just stood trying to process this. Maybe he wanted to beat me up like Stalin? "..please don't come out to the school.." mom said as I looked at her confused.

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