Chapter 24: Nice Flowers huh?

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So lately I've been busy with school. I've been trying to write but they assign another project after another and its kind of hard to write while I'm still in the middle of moving. Im so stressed out >.< Ugh

Enjoy... :P


"Isly!" I greeted as I practically ran over to her. She stood in front of her locker, emptying her bag into it from the weekends before glancing at me. "Hi!" I smiled leaning on the black locker neighboring her.

"What's up sunshine?" Isly asked, her tone slightly apathetic than normal. Arching an eyebrow I stood up straight, crossing my arms due to finding her weirdness suspicious.

"What's wrong..?" I asked, a frown forming on my lips due to the current mood settling in the air. The happy aura slowly draining away into nothing.

"..its 7 in the morning. I didn't go to sleep til 5." She yawned. If she was tired her face surely did a heck of a job hiding it. There were light tracing of bags but nothing too noticeable. She stared at me before bursting out into a loud yawn, stretching freely in the hallway as it came out.

"Pfft. Well, if you want to skip around 2nd module today I can. Then you can get your beauty sleep." I giggled as she cracked a small smile.

"Let me guess, Dallas sexed you the remaining of the holiday?" Like always at the mention of his name or any inappropriate stuff with him, I blushed. My cheeks bursting in flames telling her lies.

"N-no! We only did it once!" I hissed, and a bit too loud. Peoples heads turned, eyes dancing over me, some pointing me out to their friends. As cautious as I was about what happened that Stalin made me take off on Friday, I some how still drew in attention unconsciously. Isly must have noticed it too, her orbs danced around the hallway in anger basically telling them to back off. When eye contact was met again she smiled.

"Mhm, I highly doubt you guys could go for more than a week now before shooting baby gravy all over his leather seats." She teased, a smirk staining her lips gaining the reaction she wanted out of me.

"No! He's not like that!" I whispered sharply hoping my cheeks would stop swelling with red. I couldn't help but smile at the jokes that turned my insides.

"Really?" Isly questioned, now it was her turn to arch the eyebrow. Arms crossed and foot kicked out tapping on the ground, she waited. "How so?"

"H-he wants t-to take it s-slow and not let o-our relationship be b-built on physical actions..." I breathed, my eyes planted on the white marble underneath my footing the entire time.

"In other words, he wants to have sex every day then discuss it?" She laughed, her teasing getting out of hand by now there was no stopping it. Scrunching up my face in playfully frustration she didn't understand, she laughed putting her arms around me. "Calm down Dickerella, I'm just teasing."

"Oh my Glob sticks." I covered my face. "Why does my name change all the time!?"

"What do you ever mean AssCandle?" She questioned innocently.

"Lair gets one full name!"

"Well, cause he's a Sheep. Only thing I can think of is cotton candy or a cloud that reminds me of him. But calling him BaaSheepiah is better." She snickered at her own joked. It was ridiculous how cute the names he got, but mines always ended stating something with Anal in them or Dallas's name mixed horribly.

"I hate you." I pouted.

"Hate you more." She winked closing her locker. "Speaking of BaaSheepiah," she snorted after the name rolled off her tongue again. Collecting herself she finally asked, "where is he?"

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