Chapter 16: Lair Casanova.

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Okay, so I'm updating back to back because I'm in a good typing mood and I finished this chapter. =.= Praise me! Now to Go work on my FanFic Like i said Before D:<!!


Uhhh No Pictures but um he's the new NEW NEW NEW cover O-O! XD






I clenched my fist, letting Dylan slightly stroke my hair from my ear in the most awkwardest way possible. It wasn't before long till his lips came close and he whispered it. "Dallas told Jessie that he'd gotten it up quicker with Jaylin than any girl."


I glanced at Dallas, his green gems glaring everyone who now knew down. Escaping, my chuckled erupted, "Fag." Whether it was a lie or not, he was definitely gay for Jay. Pfft, it even rhymes! Someone should write a song about this.


To avoid having to tell Jaylin, Dallas called the waiter over, forcing everyone to figure out their order quickly if they haven't, and order. Every time Jaylin looked up at Dallas, who would try to distract with trying to take his drink or some shit. Eventually, it all worn off.


"Dylan," Jay called but I looked up instead. Why was he calling Dylan, didn't he know Dallas nearly burned down the school over this guy? "How about that kiss?" He asked.


Jessie burst out into laughter at Dallas's facial expression, his eyebrows furrowed and jaw locking in anger. But, I wouldn't be laughing at Hulk right about now, the way his eyebrows came together pinching his skin, and his eyes on nothing but Jaylin... Yeah, this wasn't even funny. But three people though it was outstanding.


Dylan smirked swallowing the food he'd just ate. He chuckled motioning his hands for Jaylin to give him the kiss first before he could tell. "I'll give you more than you want to know."


"No one's giving anybody anything." Dallas enlightened us sharply. Well now, I was just educated at Denny's. Jaylin looked at him apologetically before Dallas turned his back to me, his arm on the table and his face facing Jaylin to blocked Isly's and Jessie's view. Dallas whispered something to Jaylin, and at this point I could tell Jay was becoming awkward.


"I-I was joking.." Jaylin mumbled but Dallas took nothing of it. And soon, they both stopped talking but remained in the same position.








Jessie and Isly squealed, immediately looking at Dylan sympathetically. "Sorry, that kiss has been taken." Isly chuckled pulling out her phone and silently taking a picture.


I for one just went back to eating after minutes passed and Dallas was destroying my bestfriend's airwaves. Slowly emitting chills through my body, Dylan's hand slid up my thigh. Forcing it away I glared trying to swallow the Freaking pancakes. "I'm no free meal boy." I huffed. I shouldn't have swallowed that chunk!

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