Chapter 22: Cloud 9.

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Right After CHapter 21, I Had typed up half of this chapter but didn't know how to end it. Then I finished it 2 days ago and forgot to update! Lmao My Fault! XD But here you go!~

Enjoy :B


"Here use this." I nodded and blushed within my already rosy cheeks taking the towel. It wasn't anything really new to be honest, yeah Dallas was letting me use his shower, yeah he was lending me a pair of clothes, but we had already had sex before. Why was this now suddenly so hard to register?

Maybe it had to do with the fact that I don't, I was drunk last time I let my feelings come over me? Or maybe the fact due to the shit Dallas had just thrown at me. Seriously, he wanted to try with me..? I mumbled under my breath as I let the warm liquid wash away the things my body accumulated from today.

I blushed even harder just thinking about how silly I was becoming just cause I thought I had physically stained him from wanting sex ever again. That would be really ridiculous though, he wouldn't have came if he didn't like it...

"Glob.." I took the washcloth to my face wiping it down before stepping out of the shower. I nearly stumbled and slipped but caught myself only making a slight amount of noise. "....." Nothing, good. Didn't need him to hear that.

I dried my body off from head to toe before placing on the boxers and shirt he gave me. I was slightly befuddled to be honest. We were going to...have sex?..Right? If so, why couldn't I just burst out there in my birthday suit? Or maybe Dallas just said yes so we could still hang out and continue to take it slow.

I glanced in the mirror that slowly started to clear off steam due to the fact I didn't take long showers so it couldn't build up much, and that the water was already off.

I looked at the Red T shirt he lended. I wasn't a shorty or anything, I was average height for a guy. I knew Dallas was tall but damn, I couldn't see my ass with this thing even if the boxers poked out at the end.

Finally clearing my thoughts, taking deep breaths as I calmed myself, I left the restroom and went to Dallas room. I pressed the door open with the tip of my fingers since it was cracked catching Dallas laying all comfortable on the bed. He played his psp, probably Star Wars battlefront two again, he loved that game. Anyways, he glanced at me, doing a double take after he realized what he saw.

"Dude, when did you shrink!?" He chuckled saving and putting his game away. As sweet as that was... I rolled my eyes going over to him. "No joke, but you're rocking my shirt." He teased.

"Only for you." I laughed crawling over him and to the other side since I was too lazy to walk all around. Dallas turned on his side to face me. I smiled laying on my stomach before pecking his lips lightly.

"Good to know." He smirked licking over his lips seductively. I shivered at his cold fingers brushing up my waist, his palm pressing at the my lower back, pulling me closer and on my side.

If personal spaces were bubbles, I just popped his. His nose brush against mines, my lips immediately inching for his as right on cue when my lips parted, his tongue made way.

He was such a good kisser! His tongue dancing around mines, exploring my mouth and acting as if it owned it and belonged there. I kissed him back as much as I could, I was trying not to drool in his mouth now.

He licked my lips after giving me air leaving my beaten red face just staring at him. "Oh," he chuckled remembering something. "I don't have any condoms." I rolled my eyes, I could honestly care less. Instead of just sitting there thinking about condoms, I replanted the kiss.

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