Chapter 12: Five-some At Isly's!

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Ugh, stupid school and wanting to make us basically take virtual school -.-. And ALL THESE PROJECTS!!!! IMMA STAB A MOTHAFUDGER! UGH DX! Enjoy I was brain dead -.-! But still followed my plot >.> ♥

Pic of the new cover ! Since I didn't like the old one :D!


"What did you tell coach about the last game?" I asked walking with Lair out of our last period. School was over so to Isly's it was. First we were going to met up with Stalin, my bodyguard, then drive over there to Isly's place.

"That everyone from Bailer sucked. We easily won that game, no struggle needed." Lair informed with a smirk. I immediately shook my head, this sports ego was getting the best of him.

Lair chuckled to himself in thought for the upcoming enemies, his fingers rubbing his imaginable chin hair. I tried desperately not to laugh at his stupidity, but nevertheless did I give in into his childish-Ness.

We walked down the main hallway, going to the door that lead to the student parking lot. Like planned, we went over to Stalin's car when he was talking to a couple of friends. Those including John and Caleb of course. Ignoring the fact that my brother's glance at me killed his whole conversation, I just slipped into the back seat unable to deal these cards any longer.

"I'll talk to you guys later." I heard Stalin say his goodbyes. Lair clicked his seatbelt on and hummed.

"Do you think I'll meet Isly's parents?" Lair smirked with a plan.

"..if Stalin is going, you don't have a chance." I stated truthfully. Parents saw Stalin as a nicely dressed male with a bright future. Yet my parents saw him as a headache, and now I know why.

Stalin got in the car, his mind not even on safety first as he just cranked up his car. Instantly, Lair and our conversation died due to the dick sitting up front. Well I was technically the only one upset since Lair was googly eyeing Stalin trying to make him crash and kill us all.

"Hey Stalin," Lair snickered at himself trying to tell some kind of joke. Staling sighed already annoyed, his fingers moving over to the middle of his card and shoved a CD in. "Don't be a dick baldy." lair growled in annoyance now.

"And where am I bald at?" Stalin retorted.

"Pshhh SOMEWHERE!" Lair gave up sitting back fulling in his seat in defeat as Stalin smirked in victory playing his music.

I sighed waiting for us to reach Isly's house. Things between Stalin and I were nowhere close to being resolved as I could see he lied about this being 'over'. Not too long after my brain cells were becoming fried, we pulled into a driveway that laid in front of a two story, palish grey blue house. I wasn't even going to try and count how many windows I seen so far, including the one on the door.

Quickly I hoped out the car going straight to the front door and knocked. Lair decided to stay behind to see if he could somehow annoy Stalin into liking him. Which I honestly doubt at this point would work. Stalin was beyond a dick, and it was time Lair realized so.

"HI LOVE!!" Isly squealed and glomped me after opening the door. I stumbled back a bit, but thanks to a miracle I caught my balance.

"Hey," I giggled as she removed her grip and looked at Stalin.

"You're obviously the most dumbest person on planet earth." he glared at Lair who 'ohhed' sarcastically.

"What other planet would I be on you shitty prick??"

"...guys, lets be civilized." Isly informed pulling me into her house. "Jaylin!" She whispered sharply causing me to flinch and look at her wide eyed.


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