Chapter 21: Think twice before you throw poppers!

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So I typed cause I'm so strung out over these two. I'm completely in love with Dallas. He's my god damn favorite Nd I wish someone like him existed just so he could buy me the shit I wanted too. Fucking hate you Jaylin you spoiled Cunt XD... I'm kidding lol, but I do love these two as a Pair.

BTW, I need to send my shit to my editor cause I get so wrapped up on screwing with you guys emotions I forget to send them to her. I'll send them once I get to school in the morning! cause I'm a rebel like that lol XD lame..

"This is so stupid." Dallas stated tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Why? Because you're going to lose!?" Isly taunted him repeatedly. Due to him driving he couldn't do anything to harm her other than kill us all by driving off a bridge. After Christmas, we all planned to meet up on New Years Eve to get this thing started since Lair was busy with his family, and Dylan was missing. But luckily we found him when Isly texted me stating he was out picking up all the single people for Christmas's break.

The Plan was this:
Pick up Dylan and Lair.
Get Fireworks.
Get them together.

Though it sounded extremely easy, I highly doubt we could even pull this off smoothly. Just think, these are the same people who were involved in the incident at the homecoming dance.

I sat up front with Dallas as we picked up Dylan first then Lair so we could talk to him.

"Yo." He greeted slipping into the back. So this was the plan. There was no room left in the car, leaving Lair to have to sit on Dylan's lap and we informed him oh it. So far, it seemed like a good start.

"So, you want me to go out with him?" Dylan asked grasping the basics. Isly nodded.

"Why is that a problem?" She glared.

"I mean he's cute and all, but its not my cup of tea to deal with his whole... In debt love situation." Dylan explained not wanting to because of Stalin.

"Please? You could be saving a life here!" She battered her eyelashes at her brother. Unable to disappointments her, he sighed and nodded.

"But I better get some sex out of him or I'll jack you up." He threatened.

Dallas, who totally was still on this disagreement snorted. I couldn't help but smirk at his attitude, he was totally against this awesome fairy tale we were trying to plan.

We were soon in front of Lair's house and it was to my surprise of Stalin's car parked by his mail box. We had already called Lair up and he was suppose to be ready. Isly growled sending him a text to come out and just within five minutes he came out trailing behind Stalin who was obviously being a douche.

"You can come with us." Lair pointed out as we listened through the cracked windows. Stalin made an amused expression at Lair stating a no with so much denial. To my eyes, Lair hid a frown.

Stalin eyes danced over the car and figured as much I'll be front seat as he tapped the glass. I rolled it down glaring at him. "What?"

It was obvious that he wasn't concerned about me, but Dallas. "I know its new years and all, but let's not start it off with your gay probing." He threatened.

Dallas smirked, "I guess my new years resolution is long gone now."

I blushes even though it was a lie which slightly set Stalin off. He was one nerve away from dragging me out of this car and hauling my ass home. Soon enough he collected himself and ruffled my hair as he walked over to his car. Poor enough, he left without giving Lair a kiss which was so clear that's why he waited on him.

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