Chapter 10: Trying Not To Shit My Pants

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To get down to Business, I typed this up so quickly cause you guys Needed this chapter Lol. Enjoy!~♥

Picture of how Jaylin is feeling!!



I sighed heavily, pacing around the front door like a maniac as I waited while thinking. Glob!! Why wasn't I smart like Stalin!? If my life was chess right now with Stalin as my opponent, he would already spot check mate by now. But this wasn't chess, so I was fine so far right?

Wrong!!! In less than four hours Stalin would be waking up to get ready for the big day. And as in big day I mean meeting 'Denise'. Now you all might not know her, that's probably because she doesn't exist! There's no such person as Denise with green orbs, an inch shorter than me, nice body, and sexy face! She was only the female version of Dallas to get Stalin off my back! Now look! He's asking for a piggie back ride!!

The click of a lock followed by a chain rattled snapped my attention away as I looked up at the door. Finally after what felt like forever, the door opened revealing an half asleep, half naked, gorgeous Dallas- okay, I'm about to die, I don't have time for glancing!

"Dallas-!" I began but was cut off by a sleepy, husky, smooth mesmerizing voice.

"Jaylin.. its 3 in the morning..." He mumbled rubbing his eyes upset. Glob, you could look upset all you want looking like some cheese to dip my crackers in- oh my fucking glob!

"Yes yes I know but I'm a dead man, I'm so dead caskets can't hold me!!" I cried.

"Then maybe you need a coffin.." Dallas mumbled looking at me apathetically. I don't blame him but I still groaned.

"Dallas!!" I frowned.

"Jaylin." He mimicked with a slight yawn.

"..what?" I asked continuing my pacing on his porch.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

"You said my name." I stated.

"Yeah you said mines first."

"So why are you calling my name when I'm dead!? Dead men can't answer!!" I growled gripping my hair, trying really hard here not to lose my mind.

"Then, why did you answer?" Dallas asked stepping out as he closed the door behind him.

"Cause I'm gay! I'm gay okay, I'm so fucking gay it makes so much sense!" I leaned on the post of his porch, sighing as I tried not to cry over stress. It made a lot of sense! The reason I didn't want Stalin giving me girls! Who knows if he gave me guys I might have fucked them! I groaned as I heard Dallas making noises like off the grudge after carrying out his 'uhhh' for confusion.

"You came to my house, waking me up at 3 in the morning, to tell me you were gay?" Dallas glared in the back of my neck. I didn't know what else to do!! Lair wouldn't pick up the phone! And Dallas somehow dragged his sleepy body down stairs!

"Yes!" I looked at him moving my hands with my explanation. "I mean no- well yes, part of the reason was to tell you I was gay! But the second part was to tell you I'm dead!!" I yelled, and if my hair was falling out right now from this stress, maybe Dallas would care then.

"So not only did you wake me up at 3, but you woke me up at 3 so you could tell me you died because you're gay?" He stated turning to his door to go back inside.

"Dallas please!!" I frowned desperately. "Please don't let Stalin kill me!!"

"Ugh! Just get inside!" He gave up opening the door as I went in, thanking him desperately. "Upstairs." He stated, "and quietly." I smiled going upstairs. Already remembering where his room was, I opened going in. Dallas flickered on the lights behind us as I did a double take on the lump in his bed.

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