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"Bro this is so fucking sickkkkk! Y/n/n" Billie cheered while we were at the carnival. I giggled at her,she was on the ferris wheel. The view was amazing I wish I could just live up in the clouds with her. I smile to myself and let a tear of joy escape from my happiness....I'm finally happy.

"I love you y/n" Billie said softly as she was still admiring the view. I smiled wider and said, "I love you more Billie" she then turned to me and placed a passionate and loving kiss on my lips. Both of us showing out love at the top of this Ferris wheel.

Nothing can change this feeling anymore.
We finally got off and we started walking to buy some snacks from the stand.

*bang* a loud bang hit and my ears started ringing. What the fuck is happening?!. I turn to Billie and see her on the ground...blood spilling out of her chest!. Omfg no please!. I fall to my knees and grab her hand and place my other on her cheek.

"Billie you're gonna be okay love, okay?" I started crying. "Y-y/n it hurts" she says with a panicked face but slowly loosing consciousness. "No! Billie baby stay awake help is coming" I plead. I put pressure on her wound causing her to groan. I see her tearing up while she looks down then back to me. "I-I don't know if I can hold on more y/n, please just let me stop the pain it hurts so damn bad" she cries. I won't let her leave me!. "No billie please don't let go...I-I can't let you go please stay with me love". Billie looked me in the eye and smiled, I've never seen her smile this way before she looked peaceful almost. She took a shaky breath and said "y/n you know I'll always love you right?" She squeezed my hand. I was crying so much that I couldn't form words anymore. WHEN IS THAT FUCKING AMBULANCE COMING!?. "Please say it back love" she put her hand up to cup my cheek. I looked back in her eyes. "If I do than it means that I won't see you again and I don't want to say goodbye billie" i say. Billie frowns a bit but then smiles and says. "Y/n please,if you don't say it back you'll just be full of regret after...and I don't want that for you,also I wanna hear you say one last time please" she whispered the last part. I weakly smiled and said. "O-okay Billie I love you so much" I cry out, "I love so so fucking much!" I tell her. She cries harder and loses her smile. She looks like she's so scared. "Y/n I'm scared" she yelped in my arms still loosing a lot of blood. I don't want to let her go!. "What if there's no place I'll ever see you again" she starts to panic a bit. "Y/n I don't wanna go!" She finally says. My heart breaks in that moment hearing those words. I lay down next to her still holding her hand and say "it's gonna be okay,it's all gonna be okay billie, you're okay my love" I say rubbing her head. She calms down. Billie uses almost all her strength to pull me into a kiss. It's the most emotional kiss she's ever given me, it's filled with pure love and empathy. The kiss was long as I felt tears fall on me from her. "I'll see you again". Her eye start to close and her body goes limp....My eyes widen as I feel her heartbeat and sense nothing. "Billie! BILLIE! WAKE UP PLEASE DONT PLAY WITH ME!" I shake her. "No no no no NO!" I cry as loud as could my voice straining. I take her limo hand and hold it to my cheek. "Please come back to me billie"...."I can't feel you" I say as I sense nothing. All I see is one tear that dripped from her eye as she is no longer alive. I lay and hug her not ever letting go. "Billie baby please wake up it's all gonna work out in the end" I whisper "YOU JUST HAVE TO WAKE UP PLEASE...I love you! , I love you!!"...."say it back please!" No answer. I see red and blue lights infront of me. I hold her tighter. "M'am we are sorry...but we need to take her now" the officer says as the ambulance takes out a body bag. My eyes grow mad. "No! Your not having her!" I yell. "M'am we know how you feel right now but please she is dead" he said grabbing my arm. That's when I snapped. I don't understand what happened but something glowed in my eyes they turned dark green and a green energy was flowing through my body causing me to float up to my feet. I screamed and a light came out of my body like a burst of power. Everyone around be started falling to the ground as I cried. Everything in the carnival was destroyed. I fell back to my knees hard. I groaned. Everyone was out cold...was that from me?! Omg!. I turn back to billies body and it's gone..."Billie! Oh fuck where are you!" I yell out. I feel a hand on my shoulder my head snaps around. But my hard face falls into a soft tearful one. "Billie! Is it really you?" She helps me to my feet and says "yes love it's me" she giggles with a toothy smile. "But h-how you d-died" i tried so hard to say that word. Her face falls into confusion "I- uh I don't know how but I'm here now" she smiles again.

I thought to myself...did I do that?.

"I'm just so happy you're okay billie" I say and hug her as hard as I could not wanting anything to happen again,ever. "Wow wow there" she laughs. "Y/n...your crushing me tho for real" she tries to breathe. I quickly let go. "Sorry" I say. She looks down at me and grabs my chin. "Don't be sorry my love" she says and kisses me. It felt like years since I kissed her even though it hasn't. "I'm never let you go again" I whisper and I grab her hand to leave this horrible place. "Ever" I say not for her to hear as green light comes out of my hand and sending it off to kill who ever shot that gun. I'll tell Billie about this new ability soon but not until that person is fucking dead.

The end

A/n this is different did u cry tho 😫 I kinda did ngl.

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