The center of attention

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A/N Omg sorry guys I know if haven't updated if FOREVER, I've just been really fuckinggggg busy with school and just a lot happened. I'm thankful for all the readers. I love you all.❤️

"Ugh..mhhg" I groan as I check the time. Fuck imma be late for school...kill me now or so be it I will do it myself. Instead of getting outta bed I decide to scroll on Instagram like a lazy hoe..."OH FUCK!" I yell in realization. Today is billies concert! Yasss omgggggg!. I've been waiting 3 whole months for this, I almost forgot!.

Welp looks like I have something to actually get up for!. I throw the covers off my body and get out of bed to be met with the floor....fucking low iron!. "Ugxhdh the lion the which the audacity of this bitch!" I almost yell. I quickly collect my self and stumble my ass to the bathroom. "Omg there's a fucking rat in the mirror!" I yell making my mom run in after me.

"Where!" She says worriedly. I turn to her and say "oh it's just me,my bad" I laugh as she gives me a death glare and goes back to her room to sleep. I clean my face and brush my hair and teeth, then take a shower because a bitch needs one.
I get out of the shower feeling...still tired. Anyways I go to my room and pick out an outfit for school then one for the concert later.

For school I decide to wear a cute graphic tee with baggy boot cut jeans and jewelry to go as accessories. I throw my hair into...nothing because I'm not gonna do anything with it. (haha you thought I was gonna say messy bun😏) I have curly brown hair, like really curly not just those dumb hoes who say "omg ya my hair is super curly hehe" when it's just wavy😀. 
I make my way down- (making my way down town walking fas-) -stairs and stick a pop tart into the toaster because I don't like to make food so I can spend time watching Billie videos...I know that sounds weird but just hear me out. Anyways I stuff my face with that yummy shit and pack my bag and head out. "BYE MOM!" I yell louder than necessary. "SHUT THE FUCK UP...byeeee!" I snort and leave. I have to take the bus so ehehe time to walk to the stop😀.

currently trying to figure out what y=Mx+b is all about. I make this face in my head (😀) it seems to find me every second so yeah. Math is hard. I pout to myself and right random shit I think goes with that meaning. I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Girl have you heard" Kai whisper shouts to me. I scrunch my brows in confusion. "Bish what?". She chuckles and says, "Billie eilish might be asking some crowd members to come on stage this concert!" She says enthusiastically.

I freeze and widen my eyes. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I calmly turn to her. "Omg really!, are you fucking with me?!...I swear to god if you're fucking wit- "omg I'm not" she rolls her eyes and then speaks again. " apparently she's never done this before so heads up maybe you'll get chosen" she smirks and wiggles her eyebrows.

It's now my turn to roll my eyes..."stop that" her smirk just widens. "Cmon y/n we all know your gay" she snorts. I open my mouth to say something but then quickly close it. " touché" is all I say making her laugh out loud causing the class to stare at us. 😀...."uhh heh". Everyone turns back to doing they're work. While I slowly turn back to kai. "Kai you fucking dumb ass!" I whisper shouted while hitting her arm. "Owwiiie" she faked. "Omg stfu".

"Shit shit shit shit" I say as I run into the house. I only have an hour until the concert and I still have to get ready! AND drive there. It takes 20 minutes to get to the fucking place. Pray for me. I sprint up the stairs and throw on my outfit I chose for this specific time. "Hey hon how was school" mom says as she leans against the door of my room while I run around. "Can't talk gotta go!" I say while I trip and fall over my laundry that was thrown on the ground. "Fuck" I say under my breath.

"What was that?" My mom arched her brow. Oh god. "Nothing mom..sorry I can't talk imma be late for the concert!" And then I run past her to get in the car. I can drive I'm 17 and the reason I didn't drive to school was because I don't have a car and I'm about to take my moms without her permission....imma die when I get home.
I got to the concert with only 9 minutes left!. Ou by the way I'm wearing this:

 Ou by the way I'm wearing this:

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(The outfit not the hair tho)

I look hot...I make my way to the crowd and hopefully there's a spot at the front I can squeeze in. I walk around in the swarm of people until I spot an opening. YES! Fuck ya! Okay good. I crawl through the sea of people and make there alive...lmaoooo. Now we wait!.
8 minutes later-

Loud music starts to play...YESSSS!. I see a figure come on stage and it's finneas my cinnamon roll:3. Then Billie! Ahhh! Omg! I might pass out. I didn't. She starts jumping around to bury and friends and I join with her as so the crowd. "My Limbs all froze and my eyes won't close but I can't say no" she sings In a angelic way and I scream them in a bit so way.
"Cuz I don't talk shit about you on the internet!" Billie sings. AHHH HAPPIER THAN EVER SO FUCKING GOOD😩. We all sing along.
It's near the end of the concert maybe Billie stops to say. "Okay so, imma ask someone to join me on stage tonight" the crowd irrupt's and so do I. I see her looking around and then her eyes look straight into mine...oh shit I think I just had a orga-. Heh. I see her smirk and lick her lips then open her mouth to speak. "Okay you there, come on up mama" she points. I look around me and so do the others. "You with the plaid skirt and curly brown hair" I point at myself in disbelief. Billie playfully rolls her eyes. "Yes you" she says than laughs. One of the body guards lead me up on stage..I'm shaking!.

As I get close to her she pulls me into a hug and whispers. "You lookin foine mamas" the she turns to the crowd to speak. Oh fuck I'm blushing now. "Okay so what's your name beautiful?" She says while talking into the mic. "Um y/n..y/n y/l/n!" I saw as she smiles. "What a cute name" she giggles. Causing me to flush even redder. "Okay so the reason I brought you on stage is cause we gonna sing the last song together". Oh my god yes!. "You good with that mamas?" She says seductively. The crowd screams. "Yes!" I say back making her smirk.

"Lit,okay fin play the next song" he nods and the music to oxytocin comes on...ohhhhhh?. "Cant take it back once it's been set in motion" she sings and the crowd scream even louder if that possible. I don't know what to do... do I jump too?!😀. I feel Billie grab my hand to make me jump with her. I see her motion for me to sing the next line. Oh shit well time to put the singing lesson to use.

"You know I love to rub it in like lotion" I sing and she looks at me in disbelief then smirks. "I wanna do bad things to you, I wanna make you yell!" She sings while staring at me in my eyes. I uh damn. I sing next "I wanna do bad things to you,don't wanna treat you well" I sing while I looked at her this time causing her to...did miss eilish blush?.

As the song went on I felt her snake her arm around my waist and squeeze tight the let go to finish the song.
"Y/n everybody!!!!" Billie yells. She goes to hug me one last time and whispers.. "stay after by the back" she said and winked.

A/N AHH OMG IM SO GLAD TO BE BACK. How do u like this new one so far😏 should I do a part to for when they met after after it ends? Maybe I'll throw in some spice hmmmm?.😉😏😏😏hehehe tell me yes or no babies.

Billie Eilish/imagines/smut♥️Where stories live. Discover now