Chapter 34

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Wayo's POV

THAT CRAZY P'CHEW PULLED A PRANK ON ME! GEEZ! Right now, I'm still soaking wet because of the water spilled all over my body! and of course my friend here is just driving all the way through the café! How fascinating is it?


"There are so many of these P'Haiku! We are just only four to eat later!" I said while carrying these loads of dessert and drinks as well...

"Maybe Chew will lend some for our neighbors I guess? I didn't know why did he needs these huge numbers of food!" P'Haiku exclaimed while he looks at his phone confusingly...

"Let's just eat! THESE ARE SURELY DELICIOUS! AND AT THE SAME TIME THEY ARE SO CHEAP! it really fits in my budget!" I beamed then we are already infront of their apartment...

"I'll go first P'Haiku! So that I can help you after I put these on the table!" then P'Haiku nodded and I went inside-


"What the freak?!" P'Haiku yelled then I'm standing there frozen and my eyes are wide open! I AM TOTALLY WET! EVEN MY HEAD WAS HIT BY A BUCKET!

"AAAAHHHH! that hurts!" I hissed in pain while touching my head. WHO HAD DONE THIS THING TO ME!? Then I saw P'Chew and P'Pha peeking and hiding at a room...

"YOU CRAZY BASTARDS! I'M TAKING THESE!" I grabbed the desserts and drinks and P'Pha went out and chase me...

"Thank you for these P'Haiku! It's a nice and pleasure day I am having" I smiled at him and I've become angry as P'Pha is following me...


"Do you need an extra towel Nong Yo?" P'Pha asked then I gave him a confused look...

"IN THIS CONDITION PHI?! OF COURSE I STILL NEED IT UGH! where is your brain all of the sudden" I rolled my eyes at him then I quickly grabbed the towel. You will pay for this P'Chew! THAT'S A WARNING YOU SHOULD THINK ABOUT IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!

"Luckily I have an extra shirt in here..." as I went to undressed, I was interrupted by the sudden stare of P'Pha...

"Pervert! Why are you looking like that?!" I cried in terror then P'Pha just went to his cold personality. Yup, I did something wrong again...

As I went to undress, P'Pha stopped by to a convenience store and went in by himself. Maybe he wants to give me some personal time I guess...

After a few minutes, I finally felt the comfortness I deserve with myself! Yay! No more wet hair and wet clothes throughout the way! Then I saw P'Pha heading towards at the car with a box of donuts...??

"You already done?" He asked coldly then I nodded. As he starts the car he gave me the box of donuts then proceeds to drive along the way...

"An apology gift..." P'Pha said then I'm still sitting here stupidly and making useless thoughts to say. You should be embarrassed Wayo!

"You shouldn't have to..." I muttered quickly then I just stared at the box of donuts...

"But did you feel angry awhile ago?" P'Pha asked and I can feel the atmosphere becomes serious...

"Not exactly angry but kinda annoyed somehow but we are just like that Phi. I'm just teasing you by the way" I chuckled... "and I'm sorry about what I have said to you" I added...

"You know, I'm still your Boss right? Luckily, we are close Nong Yo but I will not tolerate that kind of manner you did okay? You still need to respect someone even if you are close to that person alright?" He explained then I nodded as a response...

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