Chapter 21

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Kit's POV

"Dad founds out that we are inlove that time" I said....

"I didn't know how did Dad knew about this. My mom knows that time I like somebody in the same sex and she wasn't mad that time..." then I didn't notice that I let a tear a bit...

"She promised that we will keep this as a secret. I am really safe whenever I talked about you to Mom. She really wants to meet you someday but I know that you are always busy during high school days because you're a president in a club and also in your class too" then I chuckled and he offered me a handerchief...

"thank you for this" then he gave me a warm smile....

"We agreed to see each other later after the graduation and when I'm ready to go out. Dad was infront of the door with a luggage bag. I was confused and he told me that I need to packed up my stuffs because we are heading to South Korea to live there and also his work was transferred there..." then I looked at him and he is still listening...

"I asked that if I can go to a friend of mine but he refused. I'm trying to say a lot of reasons but he chose to refused and didn't listen at my reasons about it. He said that he will leave me here by myself then I cried at my room and my mom told me that she didn't know that we are moving out and she will tried her best to know the reason about it..." I said and I didn't notice that I'm fidgeting so much

"My mom told me to write a letter for you and after that she will gave it to our closest neighbor that she trusts..." then I saw Ming that he wants to say something...

"when I came to your house. A lady approach me and gave me a letter then some of the people there are making eyes at me or they're gossiping that I did something wrong about them. I was confused but when I read the letter you gave me, I didn't gave up trusting you and myself. I was hurt by the rumors that they are making to me..." then I felt upset hearing Ming's side, I didn't know that he will experience this...

"what kind of rumors they are making..." I asked curiously and he stares at me weakly...

"that you didn't love me, that you are tired loving me, that you find someone better than me but I still remember that you love me to the moon and back..." then I smiled a little bit but he has a fianceé right now, I'm scared if he will just break up with her for me. I can still sense that he has some feelings lingered to his heart...

"after that Ming, My Dad told me to not use any social media platform until I graduated at college. I was upset that I didn't effort very much finding you. Whenever I think about you that time, I always asked myself if you are fine, did you do anything stupid or did Ming finally found someone and it was answered when I saw you with Min..." then I smiled weakly and I saw his worried look...

"During those difficult times I had when I was in South Korea, I found P'Ton that time...." and I saw him that he was kinda upset. Wait? did he know P'Ton?

"Ming, Do you know P'Ton? it seems that you know him?" I asked but he shook his head...

"no's just, I'm jealous that he is your first boyfriend before me..." then I got blushed when Ming said that

"anyways! when we met during those times I didn't know that Ton was a son of a rich business man and both of our fathers really have a good relationship between each other but Ton said that his father is using my Dad to save his company since my Dad has a high position in his work. When my Mom knows about this, she confronted Dad but he didn't listen to her..." I said then my chest gets tightened a little bit because whenever I talked about my mom I will experienced this...

"Mom and Dad are always fighting everyday and Nong Yo is crying so hard that time too. P'Ton always come to our house everyday and he always comforted me..." I said then I sigh...

"after that, Mom told us that we are going back to Thailand because Grandma is very sick that time. Our Dad didn't refused about Mom's request to go back to Thailand with us. After that, my dad always send us money here and some stuffs for us..." then I stared at the sky...

"then Grandma is getting better now and me, Nong Yo and Mom are living happily here in Thailand but Yo is always upset because Dad isn't here with us. My parents communication are getting strong that time but when m-mom" then I didn't notice that my throat si soaring...

"M-Mom was involved in c-car crash accident and after days in the h-hospital, sh-she passed away" I wept as there's no tomorrow. I feel ashamed that I didn't do anything about it. I just accept that fate with a sorrow in my heart...

"then Dad and P'Ton quickly flew over here and we saw Dad crying and yelling. He was angry to himself and taking all the blame. After that, He flew over again to South Korea and he became a workaholic in there. P'Ton said that Dad will still send money to Aunty Fay to give assistance to us and also to grandma" then Ming is rubbing my back gently...

"after that, he didn't even bothered to call us nor asks us if we are okay, the only thing that P'Ton said that Dad's Secretary is the one managing the budget to send it over here. I felt disgusted and felt upset that he didn't bothered us. After Nong Yo graduated to college. He didn't even gave us a call after that. we just knew that he has a family right there in South Korea and we didn't talked about him until now..." then I sniffed and rubs my eyes quickly...

"it's difficult though but everything was okay when we are at grandma and we started to live by our own. We have a job in the Sunny Café then I broke up with P'Ton since she is having an affair to someone" then I sigh...

"it's Min? right?" Ming asked then my eyes got widen! DID HE ALREADY KNEW THAT MIN IS CHEATING ON HIM?!

"h-how did you know?" then he chuckles...

"I knew it from the start. The reason why I didn't still take off the engagement because I'm finding you, this is the only way to say that I'm okay with my life and My parents will not be afraid that I'm getting old without a partner" then he chuckles....

"Min cheated a lot of times but I just ignored her and gave a fake affections to her and gave alot of things that she wanted. When I found you, I was happy and I will let you meet my parents right now!" then I was shocked and he went to hugged me...

"P'Kitkat is back and I love P'Kitkat very much..." then I heard my heartbeat is going faster!!

"I'm breaking up the engagement!" he said in a exciting tone and I pushed him away then he pouts...


"DON'T FUCKING LAUGH AT ME!" then he grabs me and he pinches my cheeks!

"ACKKKK- STOP IT!!" then we both laugh and catch our breathes after...

"I'm sorry that I left you without a word. I hope that we can start again as friends..." I said happily then Ming gave me a weak smile....

"Of course, lets start again..." then Ming hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. So is this the beginning of everything.....???

"MING!! KIT!! WHERE ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU NOT SLEEPING THIS LATE AT NIGHT?!" then we giggled and quickly go to our bedroom before Grandma will hit us with a slipper...

"MING!! KIT!! WHERE ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU NOT SLEEPING THIS LATE AT NIGHT?!" then we giggled and quickly go to our bedroom before Grandma will hit us with a slipper

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"ACKKKKKK-- still writing future chapters!! I hope y'all like this chapter!
thank you and have a wonderful day!

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