Chapter 24

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Kit's POV

after a few days

"is your car already fixed Nong Ming?" Aunty Fay asked while she is preparing a lot of goods for Nong Yo...

"yup, it was already fixed last 3 days ago" then I grab my bag and place my belongings inside Ming's car

"uhmm Ming?" then he raised his head...

"yeah? what's the matter Phi?" Ming asked...

"can you stop by at the cafè later? I need to visit Nong Yo and the other crew as well" then he nods...

"Kit sweetie~" I went towards at Grandma and she is smiling so brightly...

"why are you smiling so cutely Grandma??" I asked then she pinches my cheeks!!!

"Ackk! it hurts grandma!" then she chuckles while I massaging my cheeks...

"Thank you for visiting me Kit for 1 week! I'm really happy and thankful about this" then I smiled at her warmly and she gave me something...?

"what are these grandma?" I asked while stroking this cute tiny bags...

"these are just bracelets, it has 4 bracelets in it. Every pair belongs to you and also to Nong Wayo" Grandma said and I was kinda confused...

"uhm...why do I have 1 pair of bracelets Grandma? do I need to wear both of them?" then she chuckled...

"No sweetie, the other bracelet you have you will give this to the person you love the most. It will serve as a couple bracelets" Grandma said then I stared at these bracelets for a while...

"promise me Kit that when you love someone, don't hurt yourself so much or else I will cry very hard to you!" then she immediately hugged me tight and I felt that she is upset. Don't worry Grandma, I won't hurt myself too much!

After that I hugged Aunty Fay and Ming is waiting me at the car, I waved at them at the car and gave them a lot of flying kisses. I already miss them right now...

"how's the 1 week vacation P'Kit?" Ming asked while he is driving...

"it's sure it is fun and also I'm shocked since you're here too..." I said then he just smiles back at me...

"uhm P'Kit?" then I raised both of my eyebrows...

"please don't feel uncomfortable when I'm around" then I completely got quiet since I don't know what to say....

"you said you want to start over right? it's difficult to adjust whenever you ignored me last time. I hope that you're not like that again" then I just droop my head off and Ming just sighed. The silence are just flowing at the car with loud horns outside and people at work. Our breathes are the only ones we can hear about each other....

"How's Nong Yo? P'Kit?" Ming asked then I just remembered about Nong Yo! SHIYAAAAA!!!!

"ah yeah! he didn't called this week though. He must be busy in his work" I said then Ming ruffles his hair...

"are you alright Ming?" then he nods...

"yup, I really don't like going to work tommorrow, it really exhausts me from everyday stress!" Ming said then I just chuckled..

"You can just make a leave for a while if you still don't feel it..." then Ming shook his head...

"Nope! or my mom will scold me and also my family doesn't know where did I went the whole week" Ming said...

"but I just told them that I'm having a vacation..." Ming said then we are getting close at the café...

"can I ask you a favor Ming?" then Ming hummed...

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