Chapter 29

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Beam's POV

"where's Nong Yo and Nong Kit? it's already 10! and they still not around!" I said....

"have you contacted them Ai'Beam?? maybe something came up" Ai'Pha asked but I shook my head...

"if something came up, they should text or chat me this day! I will not be like this if they contacted me as early as possible. I'm kinda worried to you know" I explained then Phana just chuckled!

"what's so funny about that huh?" I asked then he just shooked his head...

"nothing nothing you seem like you're more concern these days huh?" then I smacked Phana's back and he hissed in the pain...

"you still do this as always don't you?" He asked then he pouted...

"of course I do! it's my trademark Ai'Pha I thought that you already used to this" I cheekily said then he just huffed at me. that's cute...

"maybe you need to contact them right now Ai'Beam..." Phana recommended while wiping some cups and utensils...

"yeah yeah, i'm gonna get my phone upstairs-" then suddenly he grabbed my arm!

"what's the hold up Ai'Pha?" then he pointed at the front door and I saw Ming?! what the hell? what is he doing here?!

"Nong Kit is not here" I blurted out...

"uhm actually, they're both resting in my place and P'Kit asked me to go here to inform you that they're not working for today since something happened last night..." Ming stated then I raised both of my eyebrows and stared at him coldly...

"and what is that?" I asked then Phana quickly stands between on us...

"maybe you need to talk about this properly, you guys have a seat and I will prepare something for the both of you..." Phana said with a warm smile in his face and we both agreed to his idea...

we both sat near at the windows while waiting for the dishes that Phana made for us. It's kinda awkward while waiting for it because both me and Ming really don't know what to do...

The atmosphere is quite quiet even though the café is somehow busy, We just stared on the table and just waited. This is freaking weird...!?

"TA DA!" then Ai'Pha gave us both a plate of spaghetti and also a glass of iced tea...

"AI'PHA! what if some customers will eye about these?! we still didn't put this in our menu!" I exclaimed then he raised his hand infront of me and just ruffled my hair!

"don't worry about that! just have a nice talk to Ming and I have a plan about these kind of dishes" then I sighed and nodded my head at him then he went away to serve the other customers...

"sorry about that but I hope you enjoyed the dish that the owner made us" I beamed while a gentle smile formed to his face...

"it's my first time talking to you even though I made a bad impression on the party that you all attended..." Ming chuckled...

"yesterday, Nong Yo and P'Kit was in trouble last night because some of the gangs are bullying them and after that they moved temporarily at my house until some renovations will be done..." Ming said and I was shocked...

"are they hurt? do they suffer any wounds or any injuries last night? is this why they didn't go to work today?" I trembled while asking these questions to Ming then he quickly offer me some water...

"yes they are okay, please don't get worry..." Ming said with a concern tone...

"how did this happened?" I asked...

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