Chapter 35

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Wayo's POV

"aaAaAaaAaHhhHhHhHhhhhhh" it is the fifth time P'Kit yawned this morning! Currently we are heading to the café with our materials because we will do a grand renovating in our café for the upcoming Autumn Festival!!!

"you yawned so much P'Kit, did you sleep well last night?" then he lazily nods...

"Yeah yeah, don't worry about me Nong Yo" yeah, you really don't look so well P'Kit. We both went inside the café and P'Kit just flops at a nearby couch. I need to tell this to P'Pha so that he can have a proper rest for today...

"What happened to your brother Nong Yo?" Boss Beam asked then I just flinched...

"I think he didn't sleep well last night and he went home very late too" I said then Boss Beam was surprised...

"Wow, I thought he went home earlier than us I guess" and I was quite confused? What do you mean by us?

"Wait, please clear me out Boss Beam. Did you mean P'Kit and you and the crew aren't together yesterday?" then he nodded...

"Yeah- wait? You don't know? Some guy named Ten had a shopping spree with him so maybe that's the reason why Nong Kit went home late I guess..." Boss Beam explained. So that's why there are so many shopping bags in our room this morning!

"Thank you for informing me Boss Beams!!! Now I can tell P'Pha about this then P'Kit can have a whole day rest!" then suddenly Boss Beam stops me...

"I already told him about it so you don't need to worry about anything Nong Yo. Just the renovating stuff for today" then he ruffles my hair. WHY IS BOSS BEAM BEING SO NICE TODAY! I suddenly kneel at him and he went into panic mode...!

"OI NONG! ARE YOU GOING NUTS! STAND UP OR I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS!" then I giggled cheekily and went towards to P'Kit...

"You can know sleep P'Kit! No worries ahead for you!" then he gave me a blank stare...

"Sleep? I don't need that" he muttered. Damn, he is speaking without his brain!

"You should have a rest for today Nong Kit" and I didn't noticed P'Pha is already beside me! His arm is on my shoulders!

"Of course Mr. Kongthanin! No problem at all~" and he suddenly went to sleep...

"Luckily Ai'Beam told me what happened yesterday or I'll get mad" he said then he went upstairs by himself. What a weirdo...

The café is filled with busy noises which all of us are now working independently. We began detaching all of the hangings in the walls and moving furnitures so that we can wipe or wash them properly outside the café. Some of the crew are already washing and wiping them off while the others are sweeping and mopping the floor and also the corners too.

"HEY GUYS! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" P'Chuu called and the crew went outside to see what thing that she found- a trophy?

"Our trophy from the Autumn Festival!" Boss Beam jumps around and hugs the trophy happily...

"Did you guys won the Autumn Festival?" I asked curiously...

"Not really, we just placed in 2nd place but it is one of the great achievements we have so far" P'Fond said...

"How does the Autumn Festival works by the way?" P'Adam asked...

"The festival is more on the battle of skills among the cafés. As we all know, each of us has a specific skill that we need to develop and practice more. Most of us are already skilled but still more training can do" Boss Beam explained...

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