Chapter 31

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Wayo's POV

"yup and wait?? why are you so suprised? you saw me with a bunch of people behind me when I went at your café" He stated then I really thought to myself that they are just extras for the scene but right now I still despise him...

MAYBE HE IS JUST PRETENDING TO BE A GOOD GUY FOR AWHILE HUH- wait! maybe that's too much overthinking Wayo!

"it doesn't matter but anyway are you really okay? you really look mess up" I asked then he just chuckled...

"welp, i'm okay but first I just wanna say thank you!" then he quickly took my hand and shaked it, isn't this like a graduation ceremony?

"no worries, just doing some right things even though I'm at the urge of killing somebody because they just grab me so surprisingly" then I chuckled and he seems kinda awkward after I said that...

"yeah right? but can I least take you out for lunch?" wow? that was kinda fast...? faster than flash to be honest...

"you really don't need to but maybe you can help me for one thing I guess?" I said then he raised both of his eyebrows...

"can you just take me at the Sunny Café? I'm really late though" then I smiled at him and he quickly lead me to his car...

"so uhmm.....I really insisted you to have a lunch with me" P'Josh said and I felt a little bit annoyed. Why are you being so stubborn! can you at least just drive along the way?

"no thank you! I am really fine and I have work to do...." then he pouts...? what!? nO nO nO! that will never work for me-

"fine! next time" wow the audacity Wayo! good job!

"really?! can we exchange numbers?" ugh! I quickly grabbed his phone and typed my number then save it...

"how about mine-" then I stopped him and he nodded slowly...

"you can just call me. No need to exchange numbers. I already gave you mine so please just drive along the way will you?" then I saw him swallowed in fear and he quietly drives until we get at the café...

"sorry if I annoyed you" he stated apologetically while I'm fixing myself...

"you just already noticed that? I really don't like loud or noisy people but anyways I hope you are okay now...." then I went off at the car and he drove away. Ugh! why did I even helped that guy! he hated P'Pha don't he!?- wait? P'Pha is also mad at me? ACKKK! WHAT WILL I SUPPOSED TO DO?! I'M INFRONT OF THE CAFÉ RIGHT NOW!

"oh wait? it's closed already?!" I exclaimed but P'Kit and Boss Beam is still there? and also there are some unfamiliar faces too? are they the old ones who came back at the café? as I stepped at the café, I could feel that they are staring at me! SHIYA! it's weird! I wanna go home...!

"isn't that Nong Yo?!" wait why is she excited- ACK!!!

"ACKKK! STOP! DON'T PINCH MY CHEEKS IT HURTS AND WHY IS SOMEONE TICKLING ME! HELP BOSS BEAM! HELP P'KIT!" then I just heard them laughing all their ass out! those traitors!

"hands off to Nong Yo...." then we all stared at P'Pha as if we saw a god from heavens!

"alright alright sorry for being playful Mr. Kongthanin to this young boy" then he walk passed at me like I'm just a statue! ok it hurts to be ignored like that...!!

"Nong Yo! sit here quickly!" then I sit my butt off beside P'Kit then I just lay my head to his shoulder...

"by the way Boss Beam! did you already receive the packages?" I asked then he nodded...

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