Chapter 9

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Kit's POV

"are you sure you're going alone?" Nong Yo asked worriedly...

"Of course Nong Yo, I can handle myself" I said...

"I'm just very worried about you Phi! I mean you will go to your ex's apartment to get all of your stuffs and maybe he will get crazy about you..." Nong Yo said then he quickly hugs me...

"don't worry Nong Wayo, I will get here safe and sound after I get my stuffs..." I said while ruffling his hair...

"are you sure Phi?" Nong Wayo asked...

"Of course Yo" then I quickly kiss him in his forehead then we hug again tightly too. I quickly get my phone and keys then drove myself to the apartment. As I went there, I knocked a little bit but no one answers. I knocked again and open the doorknob then it opens...

"it's unlocked" then I slowly enter to the room and I think their is a feeling where I felt safe yet unhappy too where our memories was made with happiness and sweetness. I walk to our room, the room where we did our cuddles and comforts to each other. We didn't had that thing that couples do because we told each other to wait and gave ourselves to the right person. I quickly go towards at the cabinet and I saw note saying:

"All of your stuffs are fixed and already packed. You can see them at the other room"

then I quickly go to the other room then as I opened the door, my stuffs are already packed and fixed then I saw a letter with my name on it and I opened it....

"Sorry for everything Kit. I didn't intend to hurt you so badly...
I just didn't control myself. My feelings just fades away like a wind...
I'm sorry if I didn't fulfill our little promises...
I don't deserve a person like you...
you deserve someone better...
you're the guy that has everything...
the looks, the characteristics and the heart of an innocent and a sweet guy I've met at high school...
if our parents didn't forced us to just save the company...
I literally love you and know you alot but fucked them....
If you saw me you can punch me everytime..
just to pay for what I've done to you....
you didn't deserve this....
I'm sorry Kit...
I love you..."

I sat down and hug my legs as my tears flowing at my face. Crumpling the letter he had write for me for a short time. WHY DID HE DO THIS?! I NEED MORE EXPLANTIONS?!

"w-why?!" I stuttered while staring our photo at the table. We're happy at that time, no problems, no fights and no jealousies had happen. He is a great guy I've met but I still loved the one who I've left for a long time ago. I wipe my tears and quickly smile as nothing happened...

"Just s-smile K-kit" I stutterly said and my tears are falling down again as I can't control my negative feelings about it. I wipe it out and smile again. I don't want opportunities to be ruined for this stupid reason. I stand up and fix myself. I grab the bags and stuffs I've left in this apartment. As I got out at the room I saw a box. A box that containing our letters to each other. I put down all of my stuffs and quickly go to the table then a note again saying:

"I didn't get all of your letters but I take a shot everything that you've written for me"

"why are you doing this?" I whispered to myself. I opened the box and saw the pictures we've taken during our vacations, trips and random moments in our life. The letters we had written to each other and lastly he actually made some macaroons with his recipe. I quickly put them at the bag and get all of my stuffs again. As I closely move on to the door I took a peek at our apartment and I closed my eyes and whispered....

"thank you....." then I closed the door as I leave this apartment everyday for work but I'm not going back again here again. I put my stuffs at the back of my car and I start driving until I get at the house. As I get closer to my destination I saw Nong Wayo waiting outside. I parked my car and get my stuffs too...

"I'll get it Phi" then Nong Wayo assisted me to carry some of the stuffs I've taken to the apartment. As we move all of the stuffs, Nong Wayo quickly grabs both of my hands...

"did you cry Phi? like a little bit?" then I look down and I didn't notice that my tears are flowing again then Nong Wayo quickly hugs me and he rubs my back...

"it's okay Phi, I'm here..." then I lay my head to his shoulders and I hug him back too...

"You know what I'm happy that I have a brother like you. You didn't do anything but just to smile with your deep dimples Phi. We are completely opposite Phi. You're the positive one while I'm the negative one. It's okay to let your emotions open up for awhile. I'm happy that you are my Phi..." then he leans back and kisses my forehead and he ruffles my hair...

"thanks for everything Nong yo" I said then he just gave me a warm smiled...

"don't worry Phi..." Nong Wayo said then he wipes my tears using his jacket...

"don't cry na! I will cook you something that you will be delighted!" Nong Wayo said then he grabs me and gave me another big hug...

"that's the reason why you always hug people" I said then he looks at me...

"yup! hugging someone really makes a day to them and of course to comfort them too" Nong Wayo said then he breaks the hug and he quickly grabs me towards at the kitchen and starts cooking...

"I will make ramen!" Nong Wayo said then he already placed all of the ingredients at the table and started to chop them one by one...

"I will help you" then I quickly go to his side and start chopping too. He gave me a warm smile and we just make ourselves busy...

I never thought that Wayo will be like this. He is very serious this time, comforting someone like me. Indeed, he is a great brother for me-

"OMG PHI! IT'S BURNING!? BUT I DIDN'T PUT ALL OF THE INGREDIENTS!" Nong Wayo said and of course he is still a crazy kid...

"I played the song while writing this and I've let me emotions goes down to this chapter....
like I felt emotional while writing this...
anyways, have a great new year everybody!"

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