Chapter 19

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Kit's POV

"of course Nong Yo! don't just slack off or just sleep around at the house! you can travel all by yourself..." currently i'm in the train since I'm going to my grandma's house and of course Nong Yo overslept so I left him at the house BUT! don't worry I make things that he needed for awhile...

"I'M REALLY ANNOYED THAT YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP PHI! Grandma will be sad if I didn't come with you" Nong Yo said as sniffs at the phone...

"I did told you yesterday that we will going to our grandma's house and you didn't manage to get up early" I said as he whines at the phone...

"just tell grandma I'll make up for it. AND! also bring me some treats Phi! LOVE YOUUUU!" as I'm gonna talk to him again, he cuts the line then I just sigh....

what a wonderful day I'm having. No works for a while, no Nong Yo even I missed him already then no dramas but come to think of it. I'm just upset that there is a controversy again to Ming then P'Oon will fly over to south korea then P'Chew and P'Haiku are in a lovers quarrel....

"I wish everything is okay...." then the bus stopped when I finally reached my destination. OOFFFF- I miss this place so much! I quickly run to infront of the house and knock gently at the door...

"aunty fay! little Kit is here now!" then I heard footsteps coming from the door and I saw aunty fay's delight smile!

"ACCCCKKKK!!!! nice to see you Nong Kit! come in and let yourself feel at home again!" then we both went inside the house and I dropped my things in the sofa. Well, the living room is still elegant! and also it feels so warm in here! makes me wanna sleep all day!

"Aunty Fay! where's grandma? I didn't see her in here...." I said and I saw her quite stunned...?

"oh oh...she went to the market to buy some ingredients for her special dessert for you!" then I nod and I went to my room-

"WAIT COPTER!" then I was startled as Aunty Fay is blocking my way to the room...

"I didn't clean your room Nong Copter" she said then I raised my eyebrow as I scanned around the place...

"oh alright...I'm just gonna at the living room again" then I walk towards at the sofa and lay there for awhile...

"if you want snacks Nong Kit there are a lot in the fridge or cabinets..." then I went to the kitchen and start scanning- wait? 3 mugs at the table? does grandma had a visitor before me?'s kinda strange...

"all done Nong Kit! you can go to your room..." I nod as I grab some snacks and quickly grab my things and went ahead to my room. I dropped my things at the side of my bed and I lie at my comfy bed.

"'s weird but something is wrong though-" then I heard grandma's voice calling Aunty Fay's name...

"OMG! grandma!" I quickly rise up and run at the living room and I saw grandma holding a basket! full of fruits and other ingredients as well then she have-- MING?! M-MING?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!


Wayo's POV

"well this is your time to shine Wayo!" I quickly straight up myself behind the counter and make my best smile in the world! and of course it's not kinda busy in the café today so I won't gonna encounter any long queues...

"good afternoon sir! welcome to Sunny Café! what are your orders for today?" I asked then he ordered 1 pearl milktea and a box of donuts...

"you may wait for 5 minutes sir!" then he nods and quickly finds his seat. Well...the only people in here are P'Con, Boss Beam, P'Adam, P'Chew and also P'Pha. P'Oon told us that her few family members are accompanying her to the airport so we don't need to worry about her and also we gave her a lot of treats and also our goodbyes to her! she will be back soon but in a couple months...

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