Chapter 23

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Kit's POV

"ack! my back hurts! what did I do last night?" I woke up and saw that it's 10:30 in the morning already?! GEEZ! why did I slept so late at night then I didn't notice that Ming is not at the bed. Welp, the usual Ming would sleep until noon...

"isn't that Kit when he was a baby?! omg-" then I heard that some people are laughing inside this house? must be grandma and her stories again...

"ohhhhhhh...I really don't know that Kit would cry over an ice cream" Ming said then Grandma chuckles...

"of course! Kit always cries over little things" then I saw that Grandma is showing my old photobooks?! when I was a child?!


"don't be embarrassed too much Kit. Ming already saw many baby photos of you and also Wayo too!" then I just scratched my head in frustration....

"ohhhhh and Kit sweetie, We are going to the festival later okay?" then I just remembered that it's already the day! maybe that's why last night Grandma is still woke up and making a lot of pastries. After hours of preparing, Aunty Fay is holding a box of patries while the rest of us are looking at this huge festival!

"it's amazing here!" then I saw Ming being a little kid who is enjoying already in this festival...

"ohhhhhhh...Nong Kit and Nong Ming, we will just go to the grand house because we will give this to the visitor who came here! I told you about this last last night..." then I nodded and Grandma went to me and she whispered something...

"please have a great trip with Ming for awhile. I think he will enjoy this while we're gone for awhile okay?~" then I smiled warmly at her and she quickly pinches my cheeks!

"we are going off now Nong Ming..." then Ming gave Aunty Fay a thumbs up...

"HEY! protect your future wife, Ming!" then Aunty Fay is making faces at me?! how dare she! then I saw Ming laughing at her...

"come on now Ming, let's wander around" then we both circulate the whole place in the festival...

"WOW! I never thought that it will have a grand festival here?!" Ming was suprised then I chuckled...

"welp, yeah...they always preparing this every year because they want everyone to have fun. There are rides, variety of foods or snacks and also concerts in here..." then Ming eyes widens and he seems pretty excited...

"let's play that claw machine Kit!" then he grabs my hand and we both headed at the claw machine...

"do you want anything P'Kitkat?" then I just rolled my eyes and I leaned at the claw machine...

"OHHHHHHHHH...that corgi over there..." then Ming raised both of his eyebrows and he gave me a thumbs up...

" then Ming raised both of his eyebrows and he gave me a thumbs up

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