Chapter 26

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Wayo's POV

"who the hell is that?" I asked angrily while I'm pointing at the guy who left the café...

"It's P'Josh, he is my ex-bestfriend in high school" P'Pha murmured coldly and I saw the crew silent and staring each other eyes awkwardly...

"oh well why is he being so bitchy towards at you!?" I exclaimed then Boss Beam quickly pats my shoulders..

"alright! alright! maybe we need to go back to work guys. There's a lot of customers infront of the counter! let's go now! just forget what happened earlier okay?" Nong Beam said as all of them quickly left except me and P'Pha...

"Yo? do you want to talk about this upstairs?" P'Pha asked then I shook my head...

"I'm just worried Phi, I hope he doesn't have any bad intentions to you" I said sadly then he ruffles my hair...

"don't worry Nong Yo he wouldn't do anything bad to me and don't stress yourself so much. Just forget that hmmmm?" P'Pha smiled then I hugged him tightly and lasted for seconds! I didn't hesitate to do it! I left him behind and I'm really fluttered ackkk!

but by the way, is he the guy where P'Pha pointing out at me that night? on the hotel?! WHAT? w-why is he so h-handsome?! but at the same time I really don't feel that P'Pha wouldn't fell in love with that guy...

"NONGGG YOOOO!! why are you thinking so much my litte brother?" P'Kit asked worriedly then he puts his hand in my forehead..

"ACK! mind your own business P and also why are you smiling recently these days P'Kit? even your dimples are always appearing these days! is this because of Ming perhaps?" then P'Kit became as red as a tomato! AHA! I KNEW IT! P'KIT DIDN'T TOLD ME ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AT HIS VACATION!

"yes we are kinda okay somehow because we had a vacation at grandma's house" I was dumbstruck! then I shake him rapidly and he is begging me to stopped!!

"WHY YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME ABOUT THIS HUH? YOU LITTLE DIMPLED PHI!" then P'Kit chuckles and he is smiling adorably...

"so both of you are okay now?" I asked while calming myself from shaking P'Kit a while ago..

"yes I told him what happened to us when we left thailand and our life in South Korea also. We just talked about our past experiences when both of us are separated" he said then I was shocked...

"when he found you he didn't become angry at you, he is so happy that he found his adorable wifey" then he smacks at the head so hard....

"I'm just stating the truth!" I said then he sighs...

"but I'm just upset that he went through alot when we are at South Korea and also i'm still mad about dad for forbidding me for a lot of things..." P'Kit said angrily then I became a little upset...

"let's change the topic, how's Mr. Kongthanin?" P'Kit asked while wiping some tables...

"he told me to not worry so much about what happened earlier but it really freaks me out! he is an idol right? what if some of his fans would create stories to ruin this café or even P'Pha?! maybe people would start to hate us!" I explained then P'Kit sighed...

"don't overthink too much Nong Yo, let's trust P'Phana about this. He already said that there is nothing to worry about okay? as far as there's no any issues or trouble, everything will be alright huh? anyways let's go back to work or Boss Beam will hit us again" then I nod and quickly go back to our tasks. So P'Kit is still angry at dad? I really hope everything will be alright when-

"OMG I'M SORRY!" then I saw the lady quickly get the cups that fell on the ground and I helped her get all of her things...

"it's okay I'm sorry for spacing out too. I didn't notice you on the way..." then I saw her face, pale and shocked? wait? did I do something wrong?

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