Chapter 16

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Kit's POV

"shiya! is she the host for tonight?!" Nong Yo said as I just ignoring that lady on the stage...

"I'm delightful that all of our dear guests arrived in this special event of my fiancée and hope that all of you are waiting for his speech this night" she said as all of the crew are just glaring and muttering some ideas about this fiancée of hers though but something isn't right. Why does my chest feels so weird like it is pounding weirdly and I can't breath properly this kind of minute. Did I do something wrong about myself?

"what a pathetic lady" then some of the guests are looking at Nong Yo...

"please put your eyes on the MC not me or I will stab your eyes and make them into street foods..." then they quickly turn around and start worrying about their lives..

"what the hell Yo?" then he just chuckles as he quickly serves the next guest..

"and now let's introduce my fiancèe. Ming Daichapanya" Aloud applause are given to the couple yet myself is just staring at them. What a perfect couple though. I didn't mind them because I didn't assume anything to Ming, with his actions towards me? I don't take them as an interest point and I always distance myself from expecting but their is a part of me become depressed as I saw the couple.

If we had competition to fight over Ming, she won. She have the looks, wealth, friends, family and her social status in the society. It seems I'm the loser in the pathetic world. If you have everything, it's easier to get things that you wanted in this life we living for.

"Phi?" then I saw the whole crew staring at me and Nong Yo quickly hugged me...

"sorry about this Phi! You really deserve someone better" Nong Wayo said as I smiled back to the crew..

"don't be weird guys! let's just finish our work until the night ends" then they quickly hug me one by one as some the guests are quite happy to see this and also some of them are muttering things like childish acts or whatever...

"well well well, isn't this the infamous guy from the past event I've attended to?" then Ms. Min is an already infront of me, glaring and raising her eyebrows on me...

"I didn't know that you work here as a servant" She said...

"what do you mean servant? do you think we're worthless? and at the same time criticizing our work here?" then P'Con quickly dashes infront me as Ms. Min was suprised....

"oh...I never thought that you have a dwarf friend" then she chuckles as P'Con was being out of control but I hold her shoulders tightly then she calms down...

"maybe you should leave. You're disturbing us maam" Nong Adam said...

"another handsome guy? yet rude as well" then she quickly lay a hand on Nong Adam's face but Nong Wayo grabs her hand and Ms. Min is kinda SCARED?! WTF?!

"I think you really need another lesson Ms. Min" then Min quickly releases her hands and pointed a finger to Nong Wayo...

"don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands you bastard" then P'Oon quickly dashes in and said...

"hey! you're being out of the place here. You did insult some of my friends and now you're just making some gigantic issues to make yourself viral again? retarded" then both ladies quickly comes closer as they gritted their teeth in anger...

"OKAY WHAT IS THE COMMOTION ALL ABOUT!" then we saw Boss Beam and Mr. Kongthanin coming close to us with P'Chew. I think P'Chew told about this trouble...

"can you just tell your workers to learn how to respect people and of course guests here? we didn't want to treat our guests with these kind of attitude though" then she stares as Mr. Kongthanin and lip bite her lips yet alot of us notice that...

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