Chapter 20

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Kit's POV

"WHAT?!" then I quickly hushed Aunty Fay since she was shocked when I told her about the party...

"No wonder he came here stinking from alcohol" Aunty Fay said then I was wondering how did Ming came here?

"what do you mean about that Aunty?" I asked...

"well that night, your Grandma went out for a while since she will bake something for a visitor in our town and after minutes while I am at my room she suddenly yells my name many times outside and I quickly go downstairs and saw Ming at the fields laying by himself" Aunty Fay said...

"I thought he had died since he is very unconscious" then she chuckles a little bit...

"after that he was very sorry about his condition that day because he felt he was a burden when Grandma saw her. Well yeah he was burden a little bit" then she rolled her eyes...

"anyways, he only recalls that after the party that he had went, him and her fianceé had fought and he stormed out at his house and that's all..." Aunty Fay said and it seems that Ming was the one who was very affected and upset after the party...

"are you okay Kit? it seems that you have problems about it? why don't you talk about this with Ming..." Aunty Fay said and I really felt uncomfortable about this idea

"isn't that a little akward?" I asked then Aunty Fay shook her head...

"No! both of you will just talk about your sides..." Aunty Fay said and she looks at the clock...

"oh my! it's getting late! I better go to sleep Kit or grandma will scold me if I'm not early for tomorrow. You can do this Kit! don't be scared!" then she left me at the dining room then I saw the clock and it was already midnight! I need to go to bed- wait? me and Ming are sharing a room right? ACKKKK?! OMGGGG- I JUST REMEMBERED THAT HE IS SLEEPING AT MY ROOM?!

I go to my bedroom silently and saw Ming lying at my bed. ARGH! this is wrong! I should be the one who is sleeping at the bed...

"oi oi...get up, sleep at the floor" I said while poking him then he covered himself a blanket...

"WHAT?! OI OI! GET UP AND SLEEP AT THE FLOOR!" then I just hear him snoring. ACK! I gave up! I wanna sleep so badly right now. I grab a comforter and a pillow then lie at this cold floor!

"tsk tsk! if someone just asked me where would I sleep, it would be nice! but they just slept all the way!" I said then I covered myself with a blanket. GEEZ! it's not cozy here! I tried alot of sleeping positions and I'm still uncomfortable at the floor!

"if you wanna sleep here, just sleep here..." Ming said then I grab my blanket tightly and look up at the bed. GEEZ! did he hear me struggling at the floor?

"move" I coldly said then he move at the left side. I quickly grab my pillow and blanket then I face at the right side...

"goodnight!" Ming said and I was suprised! but I just mumbled...


"AH!" then I woke up at shocked and calm myself first...

"I thought something got broke?" then I looked at the time and it's already 5:30. It seems that I'm hearing things...

"ACK!" then I heard someone hissed in pain? I quickly go to the living room and saw no one? maybe at the kitchen then I saw Ming brooming those broken glasses...

"are you alright Ming?" I asked then he shooked his head...

"nope I'm fine I just- ugh..." then I saw his right hand with a big cut in his palm! SHIYAAAA! HE WOULD GET DIZZY IF HE SAW HIMSELF BLEEDING!

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