Chapter 37

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Adam's POV

"I am so full AAAAAHHHHHHHH! thank for the food Phi!" Nong Zhai said with happiness as he rubbed his belly plenty of times. He is already satisfied from the food this morning...

"Don't mention it Nong Zhai. Always remember, you can't work with an empty stomach alright? Don't skip your breakfast, I can cook for you" then Nong Zhai nodded vigorously while both us chuckled at him...

"Yeah yeah P'Eve! I will always remember that! Don't be so annoying" then P'Eve rolled her eyes at him and Zhai skips around through his way. What a cutie-

"Oh uhm, Adam?" I suddenly looked at Eve and remembered there is something that we need to talk about! Between the connection of his Boss and Zhai...

"About a while ago. Let's talk about the relationship between Nong Zhai and our Boss" She said seriously...

"It is somehow complicated. Our boss tends to be naive and vicious towards Zhai but at the same time he will be nice so suddenly! Our Boss tends to bully those people who are weak and targeted to those people who are vulnerable even in small things maybe that's why he has an eye to Nong Zhai..." Eve explained as she clasps her hands over his head...

"We already experienced to be bullied by this self centered and maniac Boss but usually talk back or scolded him a couple of times. Both of us are the ones who argued a lot because of his actions, his treatment towards the crew and most importantly Zhai..." She added...

"Have you even tell to this to the higher ups? Or even reported him? It's so strange that he still wasn't fired..." I asked since it is really impossible that he isn't fired because of his actions but I was wrong. Eve shook her head telling that no one really cared about it...

"WAIT!? WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!" I exclaimed then she hushed me quickly since Nong Zhai is still around...

"Are you nuts?! Why are you yelling at me so suddenly?!" then she glares at me...

"It's because you had a lot opportunity and you really just let him like that?' I questioned her since I am so frustrated to the situation!

"No! You stupid pea-brain! It's because he is popular and his family is influential! The fact that his controversies are already erased! Even those tiny bits of rumors about him! It is quite difficult to be truthful but there is a way as I always do..." She said then she gestured me come closer...

"To tell this situation to his brother..." She whispered but I yawned in boredom...

"Let me guess. He is the nicer and the hero of their family?" I guessed then she nodded. HEY! I didn't expect that I will be right...

"Yeah definitely you are right. He is the representation of the family but he chose to be hidden or be low-key in the family picture and he started to build his own café..." She explained then my mind was blown. When will this family tree of their boss will end? And the brother of his Boss is actually the boss?!

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! I am quite confused! So your Boss who is maniac isn't the boss? So the real Boss is his brother?!" I asked...

"Exactly! And of course his family requested if he can let his brother do everything at the café as far as he wouldn't be in the limelight for a while but apparently it didn't really happened..." She, I have no words about it. Their Boss is already messy in different ways and his brother is also affected too?! Maybe I will have a headache today..

"Can you still keep an eye on Zhai? And to your Boss too? As far as possible? Zhai is once on a dangerous situation but I let him go since his Boss is the who told him to do a risky agenda for him and also he is eyeing for someone in our café and I am quite afraid what will happen next..." I sighed since I am already worried about Nong Zhai and worst is Nong Yo is targeted by their Boss. I don't know if he has plan or he wanted to be involved in Nong Yo's life?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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