Chapter 2

618 31 13

Kit's POV

"time to clean up guys" Boss Beam said and it's closing time again! well, it is a very busy day for us! all of the crew are busy cleaning the tables, washing the dishes, and throwing the garbage away...

"Okay okay! that's enough everyone! go home safely and don't do anything stupid when you are on the way" Boss Beam reminded

"okay boss beam!" We unitedly said

"Hey Nong Kit? can I have a word with you a little bit?" he asked

"uhmmm...sure" I said

"well...I like to invite you to a party which is I'm the host and I'm kinda embarrased if I go to the party by myself" Boss Beam said

"uhm...just me?" I asked

"well...I invited the owner of the café, 2 of the crew and if you want, you can come with Nong Wayo to the party" Boss Beam said

"is there free food??" a suprise question by Nong Yo standing behind my back....

"you startled me nong..." I said

"It's okay as long as you don't punch me" He said

"as far as Nong Yo is well-disciplined" Boss Beam said

"that's boring...." Nong Yo said

"there will be a fre-" Nong Yo quickly cuts Boss Beam's words and said "okay, this is just a piece of cake boss beamssss!"

"o-okay..." he mutters "and I will message you tommorrow Nong kit on what time you will go to the party...."

"okay Boss" I said

"the both of you are dismiss get home safely" Boss Beam said then we quickly get our bags and bid goodbye to our boss. As we got home Nong Yo flops to his bed heavily then sleeps deeply and snores loudly too while me of course I need to drink some milk before I will go to sleep. I wonder how is my boyfriend doing right now? I quickly get my phone and chat him


Kit: Hiiiiii P :>........

(welp, I waited a few minutes but he just seen my message for him...)

Kit: Hiiiiiii P :>........
seen: 12:01 AM

"He didn't worth you at all Phi" then I jumped out and saw Nong Yo standing Infront at me. Crossed arms with a poker face....

"you need to end your relationship of yours Phi!" he said...

"it is not your buisness Yo, I understand you are a little bit concern about my relationship to Ton and I don't want to mess it because of this little thing" I said

"remember Phi! little things do matter too" then he proceeds to his bed and sleep...

"is he cheating?" I whisper to myself at the cold winds....

"NO NO! DON'T THINK NEGATIVE THOUGHTS KIT PLEASE....." then I massage my eyes slowly as I closed my eyes and sleep.....


Boss Beam: It's starts around 4:30 PM, I hope you can come...
thank you....


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