Chapter 32

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Ming's POV

"Are you sure is this your final decision Ming?" Min's Father asked worriedly once again then I nod slowly...

"if this is your decision then we are respecting that fully. I guarantee you about that. Also our relationship between the company will not be affected in this issue. We will make this confidential as far as possible... " Min's father shook my hands gently and he embrace me...

"thank you" I smiled warmly and my dad looks at me so proudly...

"uhm Kernel? I'm gonna go now since I have an another meeting this afternoon. Thank you for the time you have given me and with your son Ming" as Min's father gathered all of his stuff Min suddenly crashed out nowhere! this woman is definitely shameful!

"don't touch me!! DAD!! look what these guards doing at me!" then my dad quicky gestured them to let her go...

"Min? what are you doing here? are you supposedly having a project that you are attending to?!" His dad asked while she glares at him...


"what are you doing here? you know I already broke up the engagement right? both of our dads and I talked about this clearly and professionally so don't make any fuss about this. I also showed alot of evidence that you're cheating on me with other men so definitely you really have no power at all" I stared at her coldly while she is struggling to free herself

"fuck off will you!" she scowled while her face turned red in anger and embarrassment. You should know where is your position right now Min!

"you really did broke up the engagement Ming how smart!! I won't be affected by this worthless breakup or what so ever but somehow you have to pay the price Ming. You have to pay the price..." she snapped her fingers infront of me and left without a word. She is definitely crazy!

"I apologize for this ill-mannered and discourteous actions that she shows. I will go now" then Min's Father left the room with sadness and shame. What a difficult day that he is having...

"are you alright son?" My father asked worriedly then I nodded. I'm always fine father! don't worry about me too much...

"do you want to eat outside Pa?" I asked but he turned down the offer...

"sorry Ming I need to do something urgent for today maybe you can go home or do some of your work for today alright?" then he patted my shoulder and I smiled at him..

"oh! and by the way Ming can you attend to a private party next week?" My father requested while I'm thinking that am I going alone at that private party?'

"you can ask out your Kitkat to accompany you" WAIT?! DID HE KNEW ABOUT P'KITKAT?! WHAT?!

"why are you so shocked right now? your mom told me that she met Kitkat this week" WHAT?! WHY DID P'KIT DIDN'T TOLD ME ABOUT THIS?! THAT GUY!

"Pa! don't call him Kitkat! I'm the only who can call him like that" then I pout and he ruffles my hair...

"being pouty because of this endearment to your boyfriend. Kids these days are really hard to understand!" then he shook his head...

"remember Ming that you are attending a private party huh? your attendance is a must since you are representing our company alright? off you go now I have things to do" I nod as I packed up my things and left the office....

"hey Ten? where are you?" I asked while calling him...

"uhm? at my work? DON'T TELL ME THAT-" before he finished talking I bursted out saying "YOU HAVE A MISSION TO DO MY BROTHER!" then he sighed at the line...

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