Chapter 15

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Phana's POV

"yeah yeah, around 10:00 AM? okay, thanks Nong Ming" I quickly put my phone at my pocket and returned to Wayo's table- WAIT? why is he taking pictures? welp, the sky is beautiful so maybe he likes it though

"yeah yeah, around 10:00 AM? okay, thanks Nong Ming" I quickly put my phone at my pocket and returned to Wayo's table- WAIT? why is he taking pictures? welp, the sky is beautiful so maybe he likes it though

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"hey Yo?" then he quickly turns around and smiled brightly, EH?! WHY DID MY HEART BEATS HARDLY?! GEEZZZ!

"oh hey! done?" he asked then I nod...

"then sit down, let's continue this little meeting though" he chuckled. I just wanna pinch those cheeks!

"let's continue! I don't want to have another world war though" Nong Wayo said as he played some napkins at the table

"yeah I know, just control your emotions. Trust me, it will be worth it for you" I said

"but wait. I'm not very pleased though" he said

"huh?" wait? what did I do again?

"you just invited me for no reason. Tell me, are you hiding something Phi?" then he stares at me seriously! SHIT! I'M DOOMED!

"uhm-" then he quickly leans at me and stares at me again!

"did you just miss me P? or you're setting up a date with me?" then he is acting innocent and cutesy again! I'M GETTING BEWITCHED WITH HIS ACTIONS!

"n-no" I stuttered nervously

"oh! then what is your reason Phi?" with his face is still close at me. We are exchanging breaths and the atmosphere is way too hot! i'm kinda FUCK!

"no answers, I will straightly kiss you right now-" then I lightly pushed him off and-

"I'M LONELY!" then I quickly covered my face and laid my face down at the table with guilt...

"aw..." then I felt Nong Wayo ruffling my hair...

"that's what I want to hear" then he quickly adjust my head gently and pinch my cheeks...

"do you want to talk about it Phi?" he asked while pinching my cheeks then I nod as I saw his cutie smile again omg-

"so what's your story?" he asked then I quickly sit up straight and began my story...

"I was an only child of our family yet the expectations of my parents are quite bigger than the usual parents of my friends. Sometimes they would not let me to play with them, interact with them or be with them as friends or just normal children who wants play and to enjoy their freedom..." I said as I sigh slowly...

"they are always busy in their works and I can't remember if my parents and I have a great bonding to each other. In our school, a lot of people really admire me as an intelligent and good looking student but people would say I'm not friendly or kinda a weirdo..." then Nong Wayo raised his hand...

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