Chapter 12

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Kit's POV

The rain stills falling heavily at the dark sky. I want to wake up but I can't. My body can't move itself as I tried many times as I can. I saw the time and I'm late for work...

"Yo!" I said weakly but no one responds but only the silence. I tried to get up at my bed but I still did it weakly.

"argh!" I gave up from helping myself to arise at my own bed. I felt that I'm sick or something. Headaches, chills, and hunger as I get from today. SHIYA CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!

"P'Kit?" as I quickly stared at the door, I saw Ming who has his apron on and I think he is cooking something...

"can you please help me?" I said as Ming quickly get towards at the bed

"you're so warm again, just stay at your bed and I will prepare you something okay?" Ming quickly removing his hand at my forehead and pecked a kiss at my CHEEK- WAIT MINGKWAN?!

as minutes past, Ming quickly put a warm towel at my forehead and gave me some clothes to refreshen my body too...

"can I help you-" then I cut Ming's words and said "I can handle it Mingkwan, you stole a peck and now you will help me change my clothes?!" then he chuckles as he exits my room.

The scent of the food is flowing at my room, I'm waiting as my tummy rumbles loudly and WHEN DID MINGKWAN LEARNED HOW TO COOK?! I MEAN HE ALWAYS MANAGE TO BURN THE KITCHEN WHEN HE INSISTS TO COOK AT MY DORM A LONG TIME AGO!

"did you wait for too long?" then I saw Ming peeking at my room.

"yeah but a little though" then he entered at my room holding a tray with foods!

"yeah but a little though" then he entered at my room holding a tray with foods!

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"d-did you just cooked my f-favorite d-dish?!" I stuttered

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"d-did you just cooked my f-favorite d-dish?!" I stuttered

"our favorite dish if I am correct?" then I just glared at him and nodded too.

"of course, it's your favorite dish then there are 3 Milkteas that I gave you but the one is for the café you are working with, the other one is made by Nong Wayo and the last is, I made my specialty drink for you" then he smiles brightly and yeah I felt butterflies at my stomach but IT'S WEIRD!!!! We just see other again last night and he is treating me sweetly! IS HE MAD NOR UPSET FROM WHAT I DID TO HIM AT THE PAST?!

"now now, you eat. You need to gain energy and you need to go back to your work as far as possible okay?" He asked

"yeah of course" as I taste the dish that Ming made...SHIYA! IT'S DELICIOUS!!!! OMG I'M GONNA FINISH THEM OFF QUICKLY!

"oh oh oh, Slow down Kitkat. Maybe you will get choked. Opps, I'm the only one who can choke you" I choked as Ming stated that statement a while ago...

"stop it Ming. I'm eating your food, are you not happy about it?" I asked since I'm kinda annoyed as he teasing me again

"yeah I'm happy. It seems that you are enjoying the food that I make" He said as I scan my tray, it was almost empty!

"when did you start learning how to cook?" I asked

"since when you left, I miss those dishes that you make" The silence was flowing as I felt upset since Ming did alot of adjustments to his life since I left

"done eating?" he asked then I just nod as he quickly removes the tray and gave me another one but the milkteas

"which one you liked to pick?" then I saw his expression pointing at the center of the tray.

"the middle one" I said then he quickly gaves it and his smile appeared again

"what a great choice!" he said as I sip at the milktea. Welp, it's great and refreshing too.

"uhm Ming?" then he stares at me happily...

"please don't do that, it's kinda creepy" then he chuckles

"so what will you gonna say?" He asked

"thank you for this Ming. I do appreciate this alot and I'm sorry if I given you something really bad like my sickness" then he just smiles weakly as he put his hand at my forehead...

"I think your fine right now, Just plenty of rest and off you go!" he said as I just smiled happily at him

"do you want?" then I offered him my milktea

"I don't want it" he said as I get confused

"but you just did this? what else do you want?" I asked

"I want you" OKAY OKAY HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES ARE GETTING BACK TOGETHER! I felt a burning sensation at my whole body and I got blushed! WHAT THE HECK DID MINGKWAN DO TO ME?!

"okay that's too bad" I said quickly then he chuckles

"are you stuffed now? because there are other things that you need to eat" Ming said as I get suprised that he makes alot of dishes to this sick person though

"like what?" I asked

"like me? I'm delicious" Then I glared at him as I continued sipping my milktea

"stop teasing or I will kill you Mingkwan" then he just laughs loudly as I glared at him many times in a row.

"OMG PHI?! ARE YOU OKAY NOW! I WAS VERY WORRIED AT YOU FROM WORK!" then Nong Wayo quickly goes to my bed and hugs me

"hey, don't hug me. Maybe you will get sick too" I said

"it's okay and P'Ming? THANK YOU FOR CARING YOUR FUTURE WIFE!" then I smacked Nong Wayo at his back and he massaging it slowly...

"even though P'Kit is sick, he is still so strong!" he said as I saw Ming chuckling

"OH!" then we are startled at Ming's voice

"uhm guys? I need to go now, I'm needed at my house today but before that. Yo you need to take care of your Phi okay? if something happens just call me okay? we just exchanged our numbers this morning alright? and P'Kitkat? Take care of yourself?" then he quickly stole a peck of kiss in my cheeks and I got flustered..

"dammit Mingkwan! I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU WILL DO THAT AGAIN!" I said as he laughs when he exits the room.

"so yeah, Ming decided to sleep yesterday at your room then he quickly wakes me up because you are burning at your fever and I didn't let my P die quickly so I help P'Ming to manage some stuffs and other things that you need and somehow he hugged you while you are sleeping then the reason why you are sick or what so ever because you are so tired and busy so this is what happened to you" I went silent for awhile as Nong Yo quickly stated them while he is changing his clothes and M-Ming hugged me? then I just went confused and somehow happy because of this...

"I'm still scared of it......"


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