Chapter 17

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Wayo's POV

I smell a sweet scent coming infront of my body, It feels so soft while I'm hugging this thing!! SO WARM AND SWEETTT!! AH I'M GOING TO DIE IN HAPPINESS- WAIT? WHY DID I TOUCH SOMETHING HARD?! WAIT?! DID I SLEPT WITH SOMEBODY?! PLEASE TELL ME IT IS A BASEBALL BAT THAT I'M GRIPPING ON?!

"shit-" I cursed as I quickly opened my eyes and I saw the I'm clutching to P'Pha's BANANA?! EW! BUT EW!

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as P'Pha fall under the floor as he quickly jumped out to our bed- THE BED!

"WE'RE THE FBI! STOP MOLESTING THE MINOR!" the door was opened loudly as I saw P'Con, P'Kit, Boss Beam, and P'Adam making a hand gun and pointed to P'Pha...

"WHAT DID I DO!?" P'Pha quickly stand up and grabs a pillow...

"STOP LYING PHI! YOU'RE MOLESTING THIS POOR CHILD!" Boss Beam quickly comes at the bed and hugs me tightly...

"EH?! I JUST WOKE UP BECAUSE NONG YO JUST SCREAMED THEN I FALL UNDER THE BED! MAYBE HE JUST SAW SOMETHING ON THE WALLS OR ANYTHING ELSE!" P'Pha defended his self and I kinda chuckled because of this over acting skills of the crazy crew...

"NO NO NO! WE'RE CALLING 911" Boss Beam said then I got confused

"huh? 911 is supposedly for emergency? why calling though?" I asked...

"oh...I don't know, It is part of the script we made by P'Con..." Boss Beam said...

"sorry about that Mr. Kongthanin!" The three said in unison...

"can you all please leave for a while guys? me and P'Pha would talk for awhile..." they all nodded as P'Kit quickly closed the door and suddenly the atmosphere became so quiet. Just our breathes and the birds chirping outside the house...

"how come I went here?" I asked...

"oh, all of us sleep and rest in this house after the event. P'Kit quickly saw us at the room since you didn't notice that you fall asleep already so P'Kit told me that we should go home and rest for a while in your house. The crew joined too since they really want to see you after what happened in the incident...." then I slowly touched my burns and I notice that some of them quickly recover....

"Does it still hurts?" P'Pha asked then I shook my head.....

"and why did you screamed?" he asked then I got flustered....

"AHHHHH IT'S PRIVATE ALRIGHT!" then the door was kicked out loudly as I saw P'Kit holding a tray of cookies and milk...

"Phi, stop doing that. You will ruin my precious door..." then P'Pha quickly stands up and walks out slowly at the room...

"there are muffins and shakes on the kitchen Mr. Kongthanin, Just ask Boss Beam where did he put it" P'Kit said then P'Pha just gestured us an okay...

"how's my little brother?" then P'Kit quickly puts aside the tray and kisses me in my cheeks...

"stop doing that Phi! I'm not a baby!" I said then I pout...

"but you like them? right?" then I nod as I heard him chuckled...

"I always do this sometimes Yo, just give me a chance alright?" then he ruffles my hair and quickly grabs a pillow....

"so, does your burns are okay?" P'Kit asked...

"well yeah, they somehow recover atleast after last night" I said then P'Kit quickly gave me the tray and I eat some of them...

"ohh Phi! what happened after P'Pha and I left in the event?" I asked since I'm really curious about last night!

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