Chapter 22

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Wayo's POV

"Nong Yo? Nong Yo?" then I rub my eyes and saw P'Pha holding a plastic bag. Is that food?!

"you need to eat because you didn't have lunch this afternoon" then I nod and I quickly grab the bag...

"OHHHHHHHH!! I LIKE THIS P'PHA!" then he chuckles and sat down to my side...

"is Nong Haiku alright?" then I nod as we looked at P'Haiku at the bed, laying and still sleeping...

"I really don't know that he will go in that situation" P'Pha said...

"I agree! I'm kinda upset that I didn't even gave a call to him or greet him somehow because he was really busy..." I said then someone is unlocking the door...

"Hey guys, thank you for taking care P'Haiku for a while" then P'Chew quickly gave a kiss in P'Haiku's head and he headed towards us...

"A little something for both of you. Sorry if I bothered you guys. It's just that I panic so much that time" then I gave him a two thumbs up!

"No worries P! we always help each other! don't be shy to ask us! we are always here!" then P'Chew smiles brightly...

"ohhh! Mr. Kongthanin? did Boss Beam knew about this?" then P'Pha nods..

"yup, I said about Haiku's condition and he will be heading here tommorrow with Nong Adam.." P'Pha said then I offered some food to P'Pha..

"P'Pha! eat this veggie!" then I offer him a spoonful veggies in it...

"you know that frozen food doesn't have much nutrients in it?" then I pout and I still offering this veggie to him!

"you need to eat them Nong Yo" then I shook my head and still offering the veggie. P'Pha sighed and he ate the veggie!

"you need to help me finish this Phu!" and he nods then I didn't notice that P'Chew is staring...

"hmmmmmmm...I smell something fishy in here..." then I quickly grab the water and drank it without stopping...

"hey Nong Yo! slow down or you will choke!" then I felt refreshen and P'Chew giggled at me. YOU BETTER ZIP YOUR MOUTH PHI! OR-

knock knock

"I'll get that" P'Pha said then he quickly opened the door and he was talking to someone I think?

"uhm Nong Chew, your parents are here..." then I saw him in shocked and he quickly headed at the door and saw his parents...


Chew's POV

"Ma! Pa!" I quickly hugged them and I didn't notice that I cried so much to their arms...

"We're here Chew, don't worry na..." Ma said and he quickly wipe my tears and gave me alot of kisses!

"Ma!! it's embarrassing stop it!" and I can hear that Pa, Mr. Kongthanin and Nong Yo are laughing at me...

"it's been a long time since we saw you Chew. Give your mother a chance" then I rolled up my eyes and I hugged my mom tightly...

"can you tell us about what happened Chew? I can easily see that you want to talk about your  to us?" then I nod and both of my parents sat down..

flashback on Chapter 19

"P'CHEEEWWWWWWW!!" then I quickly rub my ears and saw Nong Yo running towards at me...

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