Chapter 14

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Kit's POV

"before we go to our bus, make sure that all of you gathered your stuffs and didn't forget any of your things. Are you with me guys?" We all nodded as a respone to Mr. Kongthanin. We are all here at the café. The morning is still fresh and the store was closed for a while because of this trip...

"then let's go but first, let's have a count off shall we?" we quickly counted out ourselves and it seems, there is someone missing in our group? I can't seem to named him though...

"where's your boyfriend P'Chew?" Nong Wayo asked...

"he is not coming" P'Chew said sadly as Nong Wayo quickly hugged him

"'s okay Phi! what's the reason?" Nong Wayo asked

"he said that he would be busy this weekends and he would attend some of his extra classes too..." P'Chew said as he sigh slowly...

"don't worry Phi! I'm here! I'm sure P'Haiku is doing his best! and at the same time, he is doing all of these for you! alright?" then P'Chew just nodded slowly and his bright face is coming back again...

"so guys, you all need partners at the trip so none of you will be alone, get lost and being killed at the event okay? so Nong Kit? you will be my partner alright?" Boss Beam said and I nodded as all of the crew are finding their own partners....

"hey Nong Yo?" then I heard Mr. Kongthanin calling Yo..

"uhm yes?" he asked brightly

"do you have a partner?" Mr. Kongthanin asked nervously, he is like asking a girl in a ball or a prom somehow...

"sorry Phi! I have P'Chew. You can be alone! you're independent though" then Nong Wayo smiled and quickly runs to P'Chew. OUCH REJECTION! then Mr. Kongthanin just nod awkwardly as he go back to Boss Beam...

"okay guys, let's go! they are waiting for us!" we quickly gathered our stuffs and rode to the bus. Boss Beam told us that Nong Adam will just follow us at the trip because he would finish a report for his project. People these days are busy though...

while at the road trip, some of them are sleeping, watching and checking their social media, taking some photos, eating some chips and of course talking to each other. At my seat, Boss Beam is sleeping with his cute teddy bear on it. So I peeked at the back of my seat and check on Nong Yo....

"welp, he is sleeping" as something I caught my eye. DOES MR. KONGTHANIN IS TAKING PICTURES OF NONG YO?!

"OMHYGHAD!" Mr. Kongthanin got startled as his phone fell down and of course, All of the crew had been disturbed on their own businesses

"what the heck Kit?!" P'Con said as P'Oon is chuckling beside her. Yeah, P'Con is sleeping that time

"what happened Nong?" P'Chew asked

"nothing, sorry guys.." then I glared at Mr. Kongthanin as I left with him with a confused expression to his face. Yeah, you're hiding something Mr. Phana Kongthanin to my brother Wayo....


Phana's POV

SHIYA! did Nong Kit find out about my actions towards Yo? shit! I need help! send help! please help!? as the bus arrives at our destination, We quickly get off the bus then a group of staff of the hotel quickly went towards at us as Beam quickly interact with them but the other crew are circling and checking the views and the place too. I never thought the place would be enchanted and beautiful. It feels like we're in an enchanted and wonderful forest...

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