Chapter 28

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Wayo's POV

"where are you going?" the big guy asked in a deep and scary voice then I just rolled my eyes at him...

"going home obviously use your brain" I pointed my head at him then P'Kit pinched my butt and I flinched!

"what the hell Phi?!" I whispered then he shook his head...

"maybe it's not the time to talk back to them" he whispered then I just sighed...

"HEY? what are guys talking about?" the big guy said with an annoying tone...

"why are you asking too much damn questions huh? for every questions 20 baht" I replied then I lend my hand infront of the guy-

"OUCH! THAT HURTS! DON'T FUCKING GRAB MY HAND!" the big guy quickly grab my arm painfully! P'Kit runs at me but he was blocked by the other guys then the big guy grabs my chin!

"you really don't know who I am huh? I am the fucking boss here alright. I can do anything I want, can you understand what I'm trying to say?!" he yelled then I slapped his hand...

"I don't give a fucking damn on your reputation in here!" then he laughed evily while fixing his leather jacket...

"can you please just let us go? we don't want to look any trouble at all!" P'Kit yelled then the big guy smirked...

"hmmmmmmmmm....well yeah but we need to take some cash or anything that can be valueable..." then the gang quickly scanned through our bags and throws our stuffs in different directions!

"what the hell? how unprofessional! y'all just throwing my stuff?!" I yelled then the gang just laughed....

"this little kid knows that he is tough enough to beat us" I glared at him and I saw someone holding my package!

"Boss! this box is surely interesting! maybe we need to open it" then P'Kit stared at me sadly.....

"WHAT.ARE.WE.GONNA.DO?" he silently said then I just gave him an ok sign and he is horrified! don't worry P'Kit, there is something that I can do...


"AHHHHHHHHHHH! FUCK!" one of the members is screaming in agony! HA! the package is a surprise box! with a lot of peppers and glitters! I quickly escaped to the big guy and I quickly grab my kendo stick!

"y'all wanna fucking fight me!? fight me! y'all are pussies! mamma's boys! all of you!" then I saw them gritting their teeth and P'Kit's shocked face appeared! hmmmmm...maybe this is just a piece of cake! then one of the gang quickly run towards at me with an incoming punch! but I hit him in the gut with this kendo stick!

maybe this is just a piece of cake! then one of the gang quickly run towards at me with an incoming punch! but I hit him in the gut with this kendo stick!

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(Let's re-imagine😂)

"UGH!" ahhhhhhhhh.....the sound of pain! makes me more entertained! As a lot of the gang members are getting close to me I hit them one by one with this kendo stick in the back, face, gut and also their groin!

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