backstory p.7

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Adventures at the Jedi Temple

I took in a deep breath. 

My eyes shone brightly as the setting sun reflected into them. I glanced down, seeing the edge of the small cliff only inches away from the tips of my toes. I had taken off my shoes and most of my training uniform, leaving me in a simple wrapped tank top and some knee-length lined leggings. Although it was evening, I wasn't cold. 

Yavin 4 had pretty decent evenings, but they didn't make up for the scorching heat of the afternoon sun. Behind me stood Luke's Jedi Temple in all of its glory. Most of the padawans were happily playing with each other in the spacious fields or inside the temple. 

But not me.

Something was bothering me. I couldn't shake a feeling that had latched itself onto me. It wasn't like an ache, but more like a pull. A pull towards something. 

But what?

I didn't want to bother Ben with this new little adventure, but I needed to figure out what this was. I glanced back up at the fiery red sun, my brows furrowing in concentration as I gathered my courage, stepping a short bit closer to the ledge.


It was around a seventy-five-foot drop, but the deep lake below would cushion the fall. I hoped. For some reason, I knew that I would find it, my answer, somewhere down there. If I was wrong, at least I could say I tried. But if I was right, I would finally be at peace knowing I had made an effort to find whatever was calling out to me.

What if it was something important? My mind swarmed with thoughts of what it could be. Another Jedi? Or an artifact, like Darth Vader's mask. That would be so cool.

"N/n!" I heard Ben yell from far behind me. He was at the top of the steps of the temple, around one hundred yards away from me. He was grinning, completely oblivious to what I was about to do. I gave him a smile, taking in a deep breath as I took several steps back, readying myself to make a running leap.
"Y/n, what are you doing?!" Ben yelled as I sprinted forward, plummeting off the side of the cliff.

The drop was longer than I thought it was going to be, but I easily stifled a scream. I could feel Ben's presence rapidly moving towards me. 

Dammit. I should've thought that through. Of course, he was gonna come after me. I should've known.

I plunged into the icy cold water, shivering slightly as my body tried to get used to it. I didn't resurface, having already taken in a breath when I jumped. I opened my eyes under the water, spotting a small cave towards the base of the lake. It wasn't too far down, but far enough to awaken a bit of anxiety in me. 

But nevertheless, I went down. 

There was something in there. It was almost calling out to me, a call in the darkness. I dove farther down, glancing up briefly as I heard another splash in the water, noticing Ben frantically beginning to swim down towards me. 

I hurriedly swam into the underwater cave, swimming through it as I followed the voice. Further, further, and further yet. I was running out of air, and I knew that I would need to get above water soon. But I persisted. It was dark, but I could faintly see light several feet away at the end of the cave. It was a tunnel. 

And I needed to get to it.

I pushed on, but moments later I felt my energy drain and my limbs begin to grow sluggish. My pace slowed noticeably as I fought. My eyes began to close before I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me forward.

As soon as I resurfaced, I gasped in air, coughing up some water in the process. Ben swam us to the shore of the little beach, dragging us onto the sand as we both coughed hysterically. 

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