New Born Demon Boy

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~Sako's POV~

"Let's be honest... And not forget... THAT THIS PURPLE BITCH WARPED A HERO ON ME!" Shigaraki yelled, as he raised his hand and bopped giri in the head, but he should know that doesn't affect him in anyway at all. "I TOLD YOU HEADS UP YOU DUMB, WHITE HEADED, RED EYED DEMON FUCK!" giri yelled, winding his arm back and punching Shigaraki as hard as he could, but pretty much didn't effect Shigaraki at all. "JUST BECAUSE MY EYES ARE RED! DOESN'T MEAN I'M A DEMON DUMBASS!" Shigaraki yelled back, while I was in the fucking background holding 4 year old Hana. She looked so adorable, she is the daughter of Shigaraki a. K. a AFO, and the queen herself, Nao. Basically this whole family are villians, me, giri, Nao, and shigaraki... We're the most dangerous to come. "GUYS!" I yelled, which got their attention quickly. "Now I don't wanna be a dick but... Have you two forgotten that Nao is now giving birth to a baby right now?! And cussing in front of Hana!?" I yelled, as they both looked at Hana while she was casually drinking her juice out of her cup and watching her idiotic father and uncle fight because of a mission, "o-oh, sry sweetie" shigaraki said, "I am terribly sry my dear" giri said, but Hana was so confused, I don't think she understood what was happening cause she's been drinking her juice the whole time.

But then a nurse came out of the room, "you may see her and your baby" she said, with a smile. Shigaraki, giri, Hana, and i rushed into the room that Nao was in to see the new born baby, as we slowly walked up to Nao, we saw her in bed, holding the baby in her arms, and with a warm smile on her face. "Isn't he precious?~" Nao said, sweetly, "wait... It's a boy?" Shigaraki asked, as he got closer. "Mhm~ he's so adorable" Nao said, as she showed the baby boy to shigaraki, and giri, while I sat Hana on a soft couch so she could finish her juice. "Your right babe, he does look precious" shigaraki said, with a smile, "yea, he's so cute" giri said, I walked back over to the rest to see the baby boy, "aww, so what are you guys gonna name him?" I asked, "hmmm, I want to name him... Tenko, Tenko Shigaraki" Nao said, "babe, you said I could name the baby this time" shigaraki said, in a sad deep tone and looking down. "Okay, how about this, whatever name you wanted to name Tenko and Hana, it can be their nicknames" Nao said, I mean it sounds pretty fair to me.

Shigaraki instantly lifted his head to the idea with a smile on his face, "deal~" he said, "okay, so what do you want Tenko and Hana's nicknames to be?" Giri asked, "Hana's nickname should be Tanaka, and Tenko's Nickname should be Tomura" shigaraki said, as he proudly put his hands on his hips. We were thinking about it, and the nicknames didn't sound half bad. "Okay, those are good names hon, what do you think you guys?" Nao asked, as she turned to me and kurogiri. "Seem good to me" I said, "it suits them both" giri said, after deciding what nicknames the little ones should have, we looked over to Hana, she was sitting up straight with a confused look on her face, and holding her cup tightly.

"Hana sweetie, come here please" Nao said, with a sweet smile on her face. Hana slowly struggling to get off the couch, but she managed. She adorably walked over to me, making grabby hands as in she wants me too pick her up. I picked her up so she could see her new baby brother, "bahby!" She said, as she pointed at Tenko, "yes sweetie, this is your baby brother" Shigaraki said, "EhhYAAAAY!" Hana cheered, as she began to clap her hands. This moment was very heart warming, Hana looked so happy, "aww, your excited? Well his name is Tenko dear" giri said, in a sweet tone. I wonder how long we have to sweet talk these kids cause it's kinda embarrassing to be honest.

"T-Ten... Ko" Hana said, I think my heart is melting.

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