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~Hana's POV~

My training has to be a real struggle, more than anyone else's. Punching huge boulders is one thing that I can take but lifting weights!?

"Mr Aizawa I've never lifted weights in a day in my life!" I said stomping, I crossed my arms and made a pouty face. If you never lifted weights, how did you get your quirk so strong?" He asked, "well as you may know I do calisthenics, y'know, push-ups, sit-ups,  Jumping Jacks" I said, sounding proud of myself because I am. "Well Miss Shigaraki, you will level up to lifting weights. Besides since you've been exercising and training your quirk before you attended, then you shouldn't have a problem with lifting some weights" He said.

He walked off and left me in the room full of weights, balls, and much more. "Well, can't really sit here and do nothing" I thought, looking at all the equipment surrounding me.
"I wonder what Tenko and the others are doing".

~With Tenko, Toga, and Twice~ (Twice's POV)

After fighting for about 15 minutes and doubling myself multiple of times, Tomura decaying everything, and Toga stabing shit, WE FINALLY MADE IT! We made it to the exit door of the maze. Why was there even a maze in this whacky training room I do not know, but all in the end... we made it. "I am, fucking beat!" Toga said, we stared at the steps that led up to the exit door in relieve and tears. I dropped down to my fucking bruised knees! And actually prayed to the Lord. Tenko was flat layed out on the floor and bawling his eyes out, I mean he probably went through worse then me and Toga. He literally has a bloody scar slanted a bit and going halfway across his forehead, I don't know how he managed to fight with all that blood running down and into his eyes.

Now they're redder than usual now. "I am praying to the fucking father! That this next level is not as bad! PRAYIIIIIN!" I yelled, "I... Would pray to... If I weren't too worn out to move my fucking arms" Toga said, by the way she was fighting back there, she would the one mostly out of breath.
"Does anyone know when training ends?" she whimpered, slowly crawling up the stairs, me and Tomura followed behind by the time she made it to the fifth step.

"Sorry no" Tomura said.

We continued at the stairs and made it to the double doors, a small sign was there, it was dark at first but then it glowed a neon green showing, "Congratulations, continue next training station".
We all averted our eyes from the sign and looked at the silver double doors, "here goes nothing" Toga said, she twisted the door nobs and pushed both doors aside. It was nothing but darkness. Nothing but darkness.

"Uhh" I mumbled.

Toga looked at me, then I looked at her, she shrugged and volunteered to go first. But when she took that one step, half of her leg fell in. "Oh shit!" she said, before me and Tomura quickly grabbed her before she fell in. But then she realized what the theme was, she started to cry. Out of frustration obviously, I bent down comforting and asking her if she was okay. "It's fucking water! IT'S FUCKING WATER!" She said, it started out as a whimper but then evolved into frustrated yelling.
I looked at Tomura and could tell he was about to throw a tantrum, "that's it! I quit" he said so calmly. He was about to walk away but then we heard Aizawa's Voice over the intercom above us, "People who were assigned stealth meet back in the classroom and hurry up because everyone is already there".

I fell on the wall and sighed out in fucking relieve.

~Narrator's POV~

The three HIT's (Heroes in training) left the training station and used the last bit of strength they had and ran halfway to the school, they walked the rest because in the middle of running Tenko's legs gave up on him.
They walked and walked until they made it to their classroom, "Just imagine what Tanaka is going to say to you Tomu" Toga giggled. "Yea she's gonna fucking kill me, then she's gonna tell our family and then they're gonna scold the fuck out of me because of this big bloody scar on my fucking forehead!" Tomura said, he laughed with Toga and Twice caught on and laughed as well.

Twice opened the door and walked in first, the whole class stopped their conversations and put their eyes on Tenko, Toga, and Twice. 50% of their concern was how beat they looked, and the other 50% was them laughing. I mean how could you laugh after being slit in the forehead and have a million bruises and wounds, and on top of that some more wounds and bruises.
Tenko said, "Mr. Aizawa give me hug" waddling over to Aizawa with his arms out for a big hug. Aizawa backed up a little, looking very concerned and said, "get your fucking bloody zombie infected ass away from me and sit your fucking ass down".

"Damn" Tenko joked, and walked over to his seat, he sat down in his seat with a smile still going across his face. He looked forward in no time at all he felt a shiver go down his spine, and as he expected, Hana. She was for sure glaring at him, Tenko's smile dropped and his head started moving slowly to his right. "Best believe I'm telling the whole family about this, now I don't know what you, Twice, and Toga are doing in that fucking training room but you better be careful. And I fucking mean it you little shit." She said, with a flip of her hair she took out her phone and do what she usually do after training.
"Your knuckles don't look any better" Tenko mumbled, "what!?" Hana turned her head quicker than sonic could kick knuckles in the ass.

"Nothing dear sibling" Tenko rolled his eyes and went on his phone as well.

(Listening to MHA outros and intro's while writing this fucking book, just to keep me focused. Oh little announcement, you might notice that I will go easy on the HIT's of class 1-A because... I have grown a liking to them again. Well, Except Endeavor, Hawks, (now disliking Gran Terino but he isn't gonna be in this book any damn way) can't stand them mother fuckers honestly. (Sorry if this offends anybody). Also before, my very first book I said I despised every fucking hero but I don't anymore, if you were confused of wtf I was talking about, so yea. Okay enjoy the rest of the book.)

(Continuing in Touya's POV)

I figited with my pencil while looking at Tenko, I try to look away but I couldn't get that cut on his forehead out of my mind. The fact that he and his annoying ass friends came in laughing when they looked like they got jumped by the Greek gods, I'm talking fucking Zeus, Posiden, Hades, all them mother fuckers. (No hate to the Greek gods, loved learning about them in history).

"Hey", I looked over to see shoto staring at me like any other annoying younger sibling would. "What?" I asked, "why are you staring at him? You like him?" he asked, I sat there hoping this mother fucker is fucking joking. But then he gasped out loud, and I mean really loud. "ARE YOU GAY!?" He yelled to the point everyone could hear him, my face started to feel warm so I was pretty much blushing. "WHO'S GAY!?" a cheery voice yelled from across the room.

The room was silent and I was still glaring at Shoto, my heart was beating so fast I felt like I was 1 second away from a heart attack. I averted my eyes away from his, put my arms on my desk and layed my head down. If I layed my head down I wouldn't be in the spotlight for my sexuality, it worked for 15 seconds. Someone asked, "WHO THE FUCK IS GAY!!!???" like they were dying to know. "Touya is" Shoto said.
Out of all the people I had to sit by, I would rather sit by fucking Bakugou. The girl squealed and I'm pretty sure she was running over here by all the racket of desks moving. She grabbed me and started shaking me rapidly and screaming, "YOUR GAYYYYYYY!".

I hate this school. I regret my life decisions. I regret being born. All of the above.

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