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~Tenko's POV~

Even though I told Mr. Aizawa not to tell me what to do, I still went to the nurse anyways. I got healed and bandaged up. She said I wasn't hurt hurt...well, besides my stomach, but my hand was most definitely injured, I guess the dummy almost broke it when it stepped on my hand. She told me to be careful next time and gave me a huge lollipop.

I nodded.
I walked out of her office and started sucking on my lollipop. It was cherry flavor. Once I stepped out, I stopped and looked to my left and saw my class there waiting to be healed.

"What you did in the classroom was not nice, I think you owe the teacher an apology when we get back from lunch" Iida said. "I don't owe that roach of a teacher shit" I growled, Iida gave me a glare, then I showed my teeth and growled like a reptile as a threat for him to back off.
I Walked past him and the rest of the students till I saw Hana standing in line with Twice and Toga. Hana and Twice had smiles on their faces and it looked like they were in the middle of laughing their assess off. Toga looked sleep, she was pasted out in Twice's arms as he carried her.

I walked over to them, still sucking on my lollipop, "hey Tomura, how you feeling?" Twice asked, still laughing. "I'm doing great but my hand was injured, the nurse had to wrap it along with my stomach" I said, I took off my glove and lifted my shirt to expose my bandaged hand and stomach.

"Oof, well next time you'll do better right?" Hana said. "Oh please, I'll do more then better" I said. "I'll meet you guys at lunch". "Okay Ten, oh and save us some seats while your at it" Hana said, I put a thumbs up as in (sure) and walked off to the cafeteria. I entered the cafeteria and my stomach began to growl, and there was a shit load of people getting food, standing around, talking, running around, playing, ect.

I walked over to the food line, got my food and went to go find a empty table with 4 seats, I couldn't find any cause the fucking place was packed! I looked around more but then I saw Hana, Toga, and Twice. They were getting their food which kinda took them forever. Once they were done, they turned around and tried to look for me. I took out my phone and called Hana instead cause I know it would take them forever to find me in a crowd like this.

I put my phone up to my ear and waited for her phone to ring, and it did. She took her phone out and put it up to her ear.

Hana: Hey, where are you?

Tenko: in the cafeteria, where do you think I am?

Hana: uh-uh you little shit! Don't start with the fucking attitude. Now where are you?

Tenko: (sigh) turn to your right slowly.

They began turning to their right slowly like I said, but they looked dumb as hell.

Tenko: keep going... (Mumbles Dumbasses)

They kept turning until Hana finally saw me.

Hana: okay we see you, did you find us a table?

Tenko: Um, no! I can't find shit in this packed ass cafeteria!

Hana: then what are you standing next to?

I raised my brow and looked down on my right and saw a table with 5 empty seats.

Tenko: shut the fuck up and come sit down before I drag you by your hair!

Hana: shut up you look like a vagina.

We both hung up the phone I took a seat as they walked over. "Tomura you are blind sometimes" Toga giggled, I rolled my eyes and began to eat and they sat down and did the same.

~Touya's POV~

I was the very last person in class 1-A to visit the nurse, she gave me a blue lollipop after wrapping my arms since they were injured a bit, and then I headed to the cafeteria like everyone else. I got my food and looked for a table so I can sit by myself, and everything looked packed.
"HEY DRAGON!" Karminari called, I looked over and saw a BIG table full of boys from my class. "COME SIT WITH US!" he yelled, with a smile. I mean, I wanted to sit by myself but that can work too.

But as I walked over, I could see my brother was sitting there as well, but he was giving me a glare like he was mad at me. "What?" I asked. "There's no more seats so your outta luck brother" he said.
"No worries" Sero said, he used his tape quirk and grabbed hold of one of the seats that was empty at my dorm mates table. Once his tape was wrapped around the chair, it got Tenko's attention real quick.

He looked at the chair and traced the tape to us, Sero looked a little awkward when Tenko looked at us. But then he rolled his eyes and went back to eating, "phew, I thought he was gonna decay the seat" Kirishima said. Sero pulled the chair over but it tripped some people over while they were walking.
Then the chair was successfully at our table.

I sat down and was about to eat but I heard a voice that sounded SO DISRESPECTFUL! "So, you can breathe fire now!? I bet it's as hot as your breath" Bakugou said.
I looked at him and gave him a smile. "You can't talk about anyone's breath when you smell like a construction worker working a 9 to 5 and sweating their balls off" I said gladly.
Half of the boys at the table started to laugh and the other half covered their mouths trying not to.

I could tell Bakugou was angry because I saw a vein on the side of his head, but I didn't care. I started eating my food but then my brother tapped my shoulder . "What you half n half bitch" I said, "if you don't teach me that fucking trick I'm gonna tell dad" he demanded.
"Over my dead body" I said carelessly.

"Okay I'mma tell dad" Shoto said, honestly I wouldn't care whatsoever. "Yea little bro what ever floats ya boat" I laughed.

~Hana's POV~

I finished my food, got on my phone and waited for them to finish theirs so we can go back to class, some people were already leaving anyways. But Twice caught my eye when he was about to eat his rice, the rice was hot. As. FUCK! so I waited for his reaction with a smirk on my face.
"OOH! OUCH!" he yelled, jumping in his seat, he started fanning his mouth and chewing faster then ever.

"Uh, you good?" Tenko asked.

"Did y'all try that rice yet! THIS SHIT BURNS!" he yelled. I started to laugh. "Uh-uh! Tanaka I KNOW! You ate some of that rice!" he said, pointing his finger in my face. "I did, I just didn't have a reaction" I said.

"My tongue, is fucking burning!" Twice whined.

"Alright, I'mma try it" Toga said, and she did... She screamed to where the whole cafeteria went quiet and all we could do was hear her echo.
She covered mouth so quick but was in PAIN! She couldn't stay still in her seat by how hot the rice was.

"See now y'all are overreacting" Tenko said. But when he ate it too, he hit the table so loud and stomped the floor while hold his mouth tightly.

All I could do was laugh my ass off, even though my mouth is still sore.

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