Try outs pt. 3

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~Hana's POV~

I and Toga arrive at the gym and it seems to me that cheerleading is in session already, I looked at all the girls that signed up and there were a good amount of girls.
"Time to use our cheerleading skills to good use now Toga" I said, "yea you said it" she said.
We were about to join the big group of girls but then Toga grabbed my arm and stopped me. I turned to her and saw that she had a serious look on her face for once. "If that bitch Momo tries anything you knock her to next week" she said, I nodded and we continued walking.

Once we arrived where the group was I saw that there was no practice teacher or someone to coach cheerleading, "do you just want to sit on the bleachers until whoever is supposed to coach us comes?" Toga asked. "Yeah, I need to sit down anyways my legs hurt" I said.
We went over to the bleachers and sat down, we sat there and started random conversations like when the world is gonna end because of quirks, Villains, and whatnot. Honestly, the only Villains that will be known the most are me and Ten's parents.

"You know if you think about it, All For One is pretty cool" Toga said, I looked at her in shock until she noticed, she smiled and laughed because I make weird faces when I'm shocked. "What?" she said, still laughing a bit.
"I'm just shook" I said. "About what?" Toga asked.
"You think All For One is cool?" I asked, I mean I'm not saying my dad isn't cool but Toga saying that he's cool is shocking since she wants to be a hero and all.
"Oh! Uhh, I didn't mean to say that out loud..." she turned away from Hana and started to fiddle with her hair.

I shrugged it off laughing and scoped out the girls again, just to see who I and Toga are competing with. I saw every girl from our class, some other girls that are probably from classes 1-B and 1-C. "Hey" she said, I turned to Toga.


"What do you think the boys are up to?" I averted eye contact and imagined Ten and Twice suffering from whatever football does, I looked back at her. "Probably out of breath from tryouts, I can't imagine them making the team, especially Ten" I said.

~Narrator's POV~

But there, that's when Hana was wrong. The boys were doing pretty well even though they'd never played any type of sport before.
"Alright! Get into position!" Endeavor yelled, one section of boys was lined up on the running track getting ready to run. The rest of the boys, most of class 1-B and all of 1-A sat on the bleachers just to wait for their turn.
The coach had the whistle up against his mouth but before he could blow it he paused and remembered a rule he forgot to mention. He yelled, "now before we start this I just want to point out that there will be no quirks to be used!".

"What?!" Bakugo yelled.

Endeavor didn't care what the boys had to say he carried on with the session, he blew his whistle and the class 1-C was off.
The boys on the bleachers were paying attention and hyping up the boys on the track, but all except Tenko and Twice.
They had no reason to pay attention.
Tenko and Twice have been running and racing each other since a young age. Tenko would also be trained at home with his family and his speed would be exquisite still can't be faster than sonic though, what a pity.
Twice on the other hand has been living on his own and has been taking care of himself so he's been running from place to place ever since.

While they weren't paying attention they discussed the bullshit they might have to go through with their training session, "I'm saying though! Why the fuck it has to be fucking water of all things! Why!" Twice yelled.

"I don't know, but it seemed pretty dark don't you think?" Tenko asked fiddling with his pen, he'd click it at normal speed when he's zoned out but will click it a little faster when he's stressed.
"Yea, how are we supposed to fight the dummies!?" Twice pouted. Tenko didn't know how they were gonna fight but all he knows is that there better be some flashlights, and maybe some underwater gear. Well obviously who would let some HIT'S go underwater without some fucking gear!? It's stupid.
"I don't know, let's just hope it goes well, that's all you can hope for at this point Twice".

Endeavor blew the whistle as in it was time for the next set of boys to run as fast as they can.
Twice leaned into Tenko, "Do you think we'll make the team?". Tenko didn't look at Twice, but he was glaring at Touya, "part of me is hoping we don't since he's our team captain".

After an hour of tryouts, it went well for Ten, Hana, Twice, and Toga. They all made it into what they tried out for, after y'know after doing an hour of flipping, cheering, and shit for Hana and Toga. They did pretty well. And their coach finally showed up, their coach was Midnight.
For Tenko and Twice, they're running speed was amazing and the coach improved. They also did amazing with the other courses, but for the throwing... They need to work on that maybe a tiny bit.
But overall they made it.

But not just them, every boy that signed up in class 1-A made it perfectly as well. Some of class 1-B made it and only three of class 1-C also made it. The ladies that signed up for cheering in 1-A made perfect progress and will be joining. Sadly only two people each from 1-B and 1-C made it but who cares, they're not the stars of the book anyway. (Sry I had to do it 🤣).

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