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~Tenko's POV~

We barely made it alive in the fucking laser obstacle, I didn't expect the lasers to do harm... but it sure as hell did. I look a fucking mess, my hair is in a messy bun now because one of those lasers almost burned it off. On top of that the lasers hit me, Twice, and Toga... But Toga got it bad.
"AH! AHH! AHHHHHH!" Toga screamed, her thigh got hit by one of the lasers and cut her flesh open. It wasn't as bad, at least the bone wasn't exposed or anything, but her leg was still dripping big drops of blood.

"Oh god! What the fuck are we gonna do!?" Twice yelled, "I DON'T FUCKING KN-...wait, Twice take off your shirt!" I demanded, I removed mine and Twice did the same but confused on what I was doing.
But then he got the idea when I ripped up my shirt and started wrapping it tightly around Toga's thigh. He began doing the same while Toga let out painful whimpers and groans. "Okay, this should do it" I said, her leg was wrapped up pretty tight and good just so she wouldn't bleed as much as she was before.

"Toga see if you can walk" Twice said, he helped her up and gave her some room to stand, she started limping but then it improved into a normal walk.
"Okay, I can walk fine but it still kinda hurts" She said, "alright, as long as you can walk. But we have to keep going" I said, I picked up Toga's knifes and handed them to her. Then we moved on the next stage... and it wasn't pretty.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Toga yelled, which fucked us all cause those dummies we saw were charging at us like actual humans as soon as they heard Toga, "oh fuck" I mumbled under my breath. I removed my gloves and put them in my pockets, Twice made two doubles, and Toga took out a new pair of sharpened knives.
"Alright whores... Let's fuck'em" Twice said dramatically.


The three teens let out a war yell as they charged toward the dummies, Tenko attack one first by tackling it to the ground with his hands around it's throat, and to his surprise he sees fake blood and guts when it instantly decayed. He froze for a second trying to figure out if it was fake or not, but he snapped out of it when two dummies grabbed and beated him to the ground.
Now for Toga, she wasn't struggling to bad. She did non-stop slicing and cutting, but she didn't notice that the dummies were filled with blood.

But not until she jumped high and tackled one dummy to the ground and stabbed it's head right in the middle, she yanked the knife and it ended up spewing fake blood all over her. Some of course got in her mouth, she smacked her lips a little to taste it. "Eh, it's fake... Really had me thinking it was real" she thought. "I just realized I need to restock on blood.... I'll do that tonight" she thought, a big smile went across her face but went away quickly when three dummies tackled her to the ground.

And last but not least, Jin, he and his dummies was swinging fists non-stop like Toga did with her knives. The real Jin did a right hook to the dummy and sented it to JC#1 (Jin clone number 1). JC#1 did a spin kick to the dummies head and sended it to JC#2, JC#2 finished it off with a dropkick to the chest. Jin and his clones were gonna do a small dance to celebrate, but it was too soon.
5 more dummies came, neither Jin or his clones were paying attention.
"AYE! WE DID IT WE DID- AHHH!" Jin yelled, after he and his clones gets tackled and jumped by 5 dummies.

At this point the three heroes in training were getting a good beating, Tenko was being held by one of the dummies to where he couldn't decay neither of them, and the other was punching him clean in the face. The dummy punched him so hard that he couldn't stand on his feet, but when he was standing up the dummy kicked him in the stomach. "AGHH!" he grunted, he fell on his knees and coughed until big and small glops of blood splated on the floor.
The dummy let him go and he fell on his side, he felt all types of dizzy and sick. His vision wasn't clear but he could still see his best friends getting bodied.

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