Target spotted

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~Narrator's POV~

"Oh my gosh! You guys, this place looks so amazing!" Himiko yelled, jumping around in excitement. Tenko didn't feel too amazed by how the training room looked. The walls, ceiling, and ground were all black. There were also colored lasers spewing everywhere and it didn't look harmless at all.
He thought that it looked dumb, and it looked like laser tag or something. "I mean it's cool, but am I the only one that thinks this place looks like fucking laser tag to y'all?" Jin asked. He began losing interest in the whole training thing with his eyebrows slightly going down.

"No, you're not the only one Twice, this whole thing is a joke. Let's go meet back up with Hana." Tenko suggested. They were getting ready to leave but then they stopped in shock when a big screen tech Tv dropped down to their faces. Words started to pop up on the screen.
"Umm, that's kinda creepy." Himiko said.

"Hello, I am your guide for today's training. Am I speaking to Tenko Shigaraki, Himiko Toga, and Jin bubaigawara?"

They all stared at the Tv a little bit longer until they all looked at each other, Jin shrugged at Tenko. Tenko looked back at the screen and walked up to it, he raised his hand as he was about to press yes. But before he did anything, he looked back at Jin and Himiko. Then they both shrugged. Tenko looked back at the Tv and pressed yes.


Tenko stepped back a few steps beside Jin and Himiko as the Tv loaded. "I don't think I like where this is going guys." Toga said, they waited for a few more seconds until it finally loaded.

"Great! So for your training, you will be doing stealth. Stealth is based on your quirks, for a person to have a Decay quirk, a quirk that involves knives, and a cloning quirk."

They gave a blank confused expression at the screen while taking four second long blinks five times, "when the cock-sucking fuck are we gonna do some training!?" Jin said, raising his voice a little. He was losing his patients.

"You will train when i say, you impatient fuck. Maybe you should train on how to be more patient.

Tenko and Himiko's mouths dropped so quickly, that Himiko was forced to cover her mouth trying not to let a single chuckle out. Tenko held his breath to keep himself from laughing as well. Jin on the other hand started to get angry as he was making a fist with both hands. "This talking oversized tablet lookin ass mother fucker got some nerve." Jin pouted, crossing his arms tightly and turned away, facing the wall.
"It's okay Jinny, the computer thingy didn't mean it." Himiko giggled uncontrollably.

"Now, in order to do stealth, you have to pretend to be a villian in this training. There will be obstacles, laser beams that are harmful besides these colorful ones spewing everywhere above you, and hero dummies. Now this is just training to be stealthy, not to be villians, so don't get an idea."

Tenko rolled his eyes to the dumb words popping up on the screen, I mean, that's the whole point he and his sister even came there in the first place.

"Alright, your training begins... Now!"

(With Hana)

Hana was outside and looking at the huge rocks that were sitting on the ground in front of her, she looked up at the hot sun then looked right back down at the rocks. "Welp, my fists are gonna be bleeding." she said, popping her knuckles. She walked up to the first huge rock, she pushed it a little bit to see how heavy it was... and it was heavy as fuck. "Jesus, now how am i gonna do this..." Hana thought, placing both hands on her hips.
She gave the rock a mean glare as she looked it up and down. But all of a sudden, she felt a huge hand on her shoulder.

She was in defense mode in a milli-second, when she knew she had the chance, she shut her eyes tightly, quickly slapped the hand away from her shoulder, and swung her fist hard enough to at least get some distance from whoever touched her.

Once Hana knew nothing was near or in her square, she opened her right eye a tiny bit to see, it was foggy. "Wow, your quirk is pretty strong, knocked me back ten feet!" a voice yelled weakly. Hana squinted her eyes to see who spoke. Once the fog cleared, Hana could see who was in the distance. That's when her eyes shot open.
Her lips curved into her evil grin as she knew... she had finally found her and Tenko's target. Hana watched as her target slowly walked up to her, kinda limping. He stopped, popped his back, and brushed off the dirt on his shirt. All Might then looked down at Hana with a tired looking smile going across his face. "Hello, you must be Han-"

"As you must know, I'd like to be called Tanaka. Only my youngest sibling can call me by my real name." Hana interrupted. All Might stood there for a second, looking into Hana's eyes. (Not romantically) Hana stared at All Might till he got uncomfortable. "Jesus, it's like she's staring into my soul." He thought, he looked away from Hana for a split second to clear his throat by how awkward and silent it was between the two. "So uhh, what's your q-"

"My quirk is booster if that's what you were planning on asking." Hana interrupted once more. Hana continued to stare at All Might as he grew more and more uncomfortable. "Can you give me an example of your quirk?" All Might asked, trying to break the award silence, and anything to get Hana to stop staring into his soul.
"I already punched you back ten feet, if anything that would be a great example for you." Hana said, placing her right hand on her hip. They both continued to stare at each other until All Might got way too uncomfortable to even think. "Okay, well... you have a fantastic quirk Tanaka. I will be on my way to talk to the other students." All Might said, ungainly. Hana watched as All Might walked away to talk to the other students.

"Younger sibling, I have some news for you~" Hana giggled, as she took out her phone and called Tenko quickly. Hana's phone buzzed two times and then she heard Tenko's voice. He sounded out of breath and heard frustrated screams in the background. "Hello!" Tenko wheezed through the phone, "hey... you good? You sound like your out of breath." Hana said, sounding a little concerned.
"No! Me, Twice, and Toga are busting our asses with this obstacle course! I'm tired!" Tenko yelled. He was taking five big, long inhales and exhales. "Well, make sure you breathe and don't push yourself." Hana laughed softly. "Yeah! Sure! But sis I can't really chat I'm in a- OH SHIT!" Tenko yelled, his voice sounded so high when he yelled that Hana pulled the phone away from her ear and looked deeply at her screen with her eyes wide opened.

She quickly put the phone back up to her ear and heard... absolute chaos. "TOGA WATCH OUT FOR THAT LASER WOMEN!" Jin yelled, Hana was so confused but then heard laser sounds in the background. "FUCK!" Toga yelled, the sounds of her knifes dropping to the floor made Hana a little concerned.
"Um, hello?" Hana said. "OKAY SIS BYE!" Tenko yelled.

"HIMIKO! DON'T GO INTO THE LIIIGHT!" Jin cried out, then everything went silent. All Hana could hear was the phone buzzzing when Tenko hung up.

"Welp, I guess I better get to training as well" Hana thought.

(FUCKING FINALLY! I. Have. Finished. A. Fucking CHAPTER! I thought I would never succeed, cause the past times I have I always lost motivation...i only wrote the fucking Title and lost motivation 🥲.
But hopefully I made this funny cause that's what I was planning. Anyways, WOLFIE OUT!"

I am impostor

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