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~Toga's POV~

I fell asleep right after taking a shower and doing the other unimportant shit, but when I fell asleep it felt like I only slept for 5 minutes because one minute it's night, the next 4 minutes it's almost fully morning. But since my timer didn't go off which wasn't really time for me to get ready yet, I decided to take my last hour to sleep.
But closing my eyes for only a minute I felt a gentle shake, and I heard my favorite song playing which was my alarm clock on my phone. My song soon stopped playing and I started to arch my back and stretch my legs and arms, I opened my eyes and saw my friends standing over me and already dressed for school.

I looked at Tenko and realized he was already up before me... Matter of fact I should be the first one to wake up and shake everyone awake. I sat up and squinted my eyes, I looked at everyone and puckered my lips. "Uhhh, why am I the last one to wake up" I asked, I mean it's not like me to be the last one to wake up, it should be Tomu.
"Twice here decided you should get 5 more minutes of sleep" Tanaka said. I looked at Twice and saw his goofy smile, I gave him a smile back and got myself ready while they waited for me outside.

Once I had on my uniform, I grabbed my phone and my bag and headed out of my room where my friends waited, "alright leggo" I said, we headed out and did what we usually do. But on our way to the elevator, we. saw. NO ONE! "Omg there is no one at the elevator" I cheered, but I stopped because everyone else did, and there I saw a yellow sign. "WARNING! Elevator is off limits due to technical difficulties. Please use the stairs." Tanaka read out, "well... That's bullshit" Twice said, we all groaned and took the stairs instead.

5 minutes of torture later 😒

We made it to class just before the bell rung, we rushed to our seat and took a good long minute to catch our breathes. "Jesus Christ! I have never! Ever! Ran up some stairs that quick in my damn life" I said, breathing deeply in and out.
"Is this what people that do marathons feel like?!" Twice said, he was resting his head on his desk and a whole bunch of sweat.
✨SwEaT pUdDlEs✨.

"Actually, marathon runners would feel way worser than you. You and you're friends only had to run up some stairs and catch a break, marathon runners run on a track and don't stop until they've reached their ending point" Hagakure said,
Toga turned around and gave her a side eye for 10 seconds, she turned back around to see Twice making an annoyed face.

I could tell he was making that face because he was annoyed of Hagakure. I was too, she'd always speak out of nowhere when me and Twicy have OUR! basic conversations. "Hagakure, do you have to butt into every conversation me and Twicy have?" I asked, turning my body all the way around to face her.

"I'm not butting in I'm j-"

"Because if you don't have friends just say that" I interrupted, she was silent so my best guest was that she was glaring at me when I interrupted her. "For your information I do have friends" she said, yeahh that's a lie. "Well if you do then talk to them because we don't know you therefore, we do not like you so stop butting into our conversations like we're friends cause we aren't" Twicy said, he sounded so rude the way he said it and it was hilarious, I let out a laugh.
Twicy began to laugh to and Hagakure said, "you guys are so mean" in a pouty tone.

Me and Twicy laughed but harder and louder.

We kept laughing until we went silent by Bakugou yelling from across the room, "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DAMN EXTRA'S!"
"Woah dude what's your problem" Kirishima asked, "none of your damn business you strawberry shithead fuck!" Bakugou growled.
"Damn, now my feelings are hurt" Kirishima said sarcasticly, he then layed his head down on his desk rethinking his decisions in life.

~Narrator's POV~

Everyone stared at Bakugou for a good 20 seconds and stayed silent for 10 but he didn't care or notice because he was looking out the window with a angry expression fixed on his face, once 30 seconds passed everyone went back to talking. The talking went back off real quick when Mr. Aizawa arrived, "good morning class" Aizawa said, "good morning Sensi" everyone said.
"Alright so today we will be continuing your training in your training rooms" Aizawa announced, everyone let out a annoyed and lazy groaned because of last time. Well except for Tomura, Toga, and Twice, they looked around confused because they honestly went to hell and back with that training assignment.

Hana didn't complain though, she wasn't even paying attention she was well zoned out as soon as she sat down.

"Now I know these low life bastards aren't complaining" Tomura muttered, "if anything me, Toga, and Twice should be the ones complaining".

"Alright let's head outside but before we do that, I must remind all that have signed up for sports. Try outs are at 5:35 pm" Aizawa said, soon after the announcement, class 1-A exited the classroom and went through the same bullshit till they're foreheads dropped to the ground, literally for Twice, Because he was actually lying on the floor and crying his eyes out.

"Aughhh! I hate my life!!!" Twice cried out on the floor, tears running down his face and dripping onto the floor. But in the middle of his whining he spotted what seemed like a whole squad of robot dummies running towards him, "oh sweet Jesus save me from this hell" he grunted and pushed himself to get up off the floor and started running. But before he got far he made three doubles of himself just to cause a distraction to get away and maybe try to help Toga or Tenko. Once the doubles were ready to square up Twice ran as fast as his legs could let him, he got away a good distant from the dummies but I must say the clones were getting their ass WHOOPED!

But for the good bit of the situation, they was in a different room, they passed the first room. The room they were in right now was on another level, The Maze. But the good part about this room was that you can actually hide, the first room they couldn't hide, all they could do was take in every ass whopping they got.
Twice ran and ran until his legs was giving up on him, so he went around a corner and sat down to rest. "Why does it have to be me!" he thought. He peeped the corner to see if anyone was there and there were 7 dummies coming his way. He thought he was a goner but luckily they turned around to the sound of someone flopping onto the floor, Twice sat in silence until he heard Toga's voice.

"Oh come on! Now there's 10 of you?!?" she said, her voice was breaking like she was in the middle of crying. Twice quickly peeped through and saw Toga on the floor and glaring at the dummies surrounding her, he peeped out far enough for Toga to see him. Her face brightened a little bit but still had fear on her face, her face expression was enough for Twice to know that she needs him. Need him to save her... Again.
The amount of bruises and cut open wounds Twice had, he'd still try to save her no matter what. He got up on his knees and tried to get on his feet, he used the wall for support and managed successfully.

One slight problem was that his vision was blurred, he walked over and tried to throw a fist at one of the dummies but failed as the dummy caught his fist easily and broke it. The dummies stood there and watched as Twice yelled and fell to his knees while holding his broke fist. Toga tried to get to him but a dummy grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back, "fuck! Ow! ASSHOLE DUMMIES!" she yelled, she was held back by three dummies while the rest went over to beat the ever living shit out of Twice.
Toga tried to break free but the more she moved, the more they gripped onto her arms, two dummies held one arm while the third held her by tightly wrapping it's arms around her. She just gave up trying and closed her eyes so she wouldn't see Twice get jumped.

But out of the blue, the dummies suddenly dropped her arms, she looked to her right to see what happened but then the third dummy let go of their grip. Toga looked down and saw dust, some flowing all the way down into a pile. She realized what happened and turned around with a happy expression, but her smile instantly dropped when she saw him. "Tomu..." She was shook to see how beaten he was. The biggest wound she saw was a cut on his forehead, the dark crimson red streamed down from his forehead down to his right eye and down to his bruised cheek. He had a big bruise under his left eye and a busted lip, many more bruises and wounds Toga gazed upon.
They both glared at the dummies that was about to jump Twice, "alright, if it's round 2 you want... Then it's round 2 you are a gonna get!" Toga yelled. Thanks to the distraction Tenko caused, Twice had enough time to make 4 doubles without anyone realizing.

"TO WAR!!!" Twice yelled.

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